BangGuy or kip another MH ?


Active Member

Originally posted by Bang Guy
Nobody ever e-mails me

Thats cause you didn't ask...:D
Hey Tonya E-Mail me too...


Active Member
just kidding!!
tonya, your tank is BEAUTIFUL!! And your clown looks like he is smiling at you! How big is the clam? I am dying for a beautiful clam, but my kids have a CC star still, and they love him to pieces.



Originally posted by RyeBread
That clam is a Crocea. :yes:

its sometimes hard to tell but from the picture it looks more like a Crocea then a Maxima


hi every body, thanks for your reply's
if you want me to e-mail you just send me a e-mail, and i would be glad to e-mail you back. and thanks for the complement on my tank. and bigmac, and ryebread, you both may be right about my clam. when i started three years ago, I HAD NO CLUE, of what i was getting myself into, i just knew i wanted a saltwater reef aquarium, i was lied to about pretty much everything in the begining, what gets along with what and what fish get along with fish, and so was a complete desaster. mager failer
so i started bying every book out there that i could find, and just started craming my brain with saltwater reef info.all i did was eat and sleep with these books. because my tank was already set up and cycled with fish and corals when every thing started going wrong, and the owner of the lfs that was giving me all the wrong info,because all he seen was $$$signs didn't help me. so i just kept on reading. so i guess what i'm trying to say is my clam looks like a T. maxima, that i never thought to look up a crocea. but now that you both said this, i'm inclined to agree with the both of you, so thank you both and every one else for helping me. by the way i don't go to that lfs anymore. this guy miss leads everyone who is just getting started.and it realy p_sssses me off,because he gets by with it. not only do people get ripped off, but helpless corals and fishes are dieing from this. i would turn this guy in if i knew who to turn him into. and nothing in his store is under a 100 bucks, heck he sells his small snails for 15.00 a piece. i'm sorry guys i guess i'm just venting. oh ya, he is also the one that said you can keep large clams and anemones and stuff under VHO's. ok, well if anyone wants to e-mail me, heres my new e-mail address and thanks again