advise is wanted.


I brought home a true perc lastnight and he decided to host in my Hammer Coral instead of my Rose Bubble. Is thier anything I can do to try and get him in the "right place" :confused:
I don't really have a problem with him in the hammer except that it doesn't open all the way anymore because of him.

bang guy

Can you use something to block access to the Hammer or remove the Hammer temporarily to another tank?
Just fyi - The Hammer is Hosting the Perc, not the other way around.


I was thinking about putting a tupperware container upsidedown over the top of the hammer, I'll take your advice and try that.
BTW: I realize that really screwed up the thead title I'll have to be more careful next time.
Thanks again. I'll let you know how it goes.


I put a container over him and I will see how it works...If he still wants to get in the hammer by tonight I will let him be. Thier is still room for water to flow under the container and into the hammer coral its more just an "out of site, out of mind" approach.


Well some promising news....I've had the hammer covered for about 2 hours and the clownfish is hanging out right over the Rose with the occasional dip down into it, I'm hopeing that by tonight he will have taken to it completely and tomarrow sometime I can uncover the hammer again. The question is will he go back to it.


hahaha I didn't see my clownfish all night and so when I uncovered the hammer guess who was thier? HAHAHAH my clownfish hahahaha. so I decided I would let him be and just uncovered the hammer and now he is back in the RBTA, maybe he will swim back and forth between the two he is a cool fish and thats all that matters. Thanks for you help.

bang guy

Bubble-tip are not natural hosts for Percula. I've seen quite a few paired up that way in captivity though.



Originally posted by Bang Guy
Bubble-tip are not natural hosts for Percula. I've seen quite a few paired up that way in captivity though.

huh, I haven't but thats good news. My fiance had to have the nemo thing going on in her tank but shes lacking the anemone because we were worried about a carpet munching the mandarin. I just might have to give it a try then, has the craze and outrageous prices come down on the roses?


Active Member
Bang, I hear yer growing anemones or sumthing in yer swimming pool? LOL. RBTAs split like crazy, so they shouldnt be as expensive as they are. People who sell them are RIPPING u off. They make SUCH a profit. Buy a hanful, let em reproduce. Soon, they have a whole display full, lol.

bang guy


Originally posted by Chandler04
RBTAs split like crazy, so they shouldnt be as expensive as they are. People who sell them are RIPPING u off.

Bta's split once or twice a year usually and they eat a lot. We should gladly pay more for tank propogates Anemone IMO. They are expensive to raise before sale, but they are adapted to a captive environment and don't deplete to wild populations.


I agree bang....We need to draw the line with taking things out of the ocean thier are so many corals that we could just frag to supply the demand.