Banghai Cardinals


Question on the anatomy of the Banghai Cardinal.
What are the differences between the male and female Banghai?
I have read that more that one male in a tank will cause an aggression problem.
Thanks in advance.


Direct this question to Bang Guy, use his name in the title of the post if need be, he's probably the expert here since he breeds them.


Maybe i can help.
There is no real way of sexing these fish, except when a male is carrying eggs. females look identical to males.
The methods you've heard or read about squared jaws, and longer second dorsal fins I suggested back in 95, and they have NOT turned out to be useful. There have been a number of new sexing ideas and none of them have panned out.
So unfortunately it gonna be difficult to get apair at the LFS but it can happen.
If you want a pair you can buy a mated pair from
Second, yes a sexually mature banggai male will kill butt on any potential competition. However in tank smaller than 100gal i would recommend no more than 2 banggais.
By the way the common name of this fish is spelled banggai, i tell you this not to correct you but to allow yout o do an effective websearch.
Lastly, feel free to catch up on keeping, raising and breeding banggais by reading here
good luck


Hi Sammy:
thanks for fact checking for me. Your right my math and memory was bad, the date is actually July of 1996, not 95 as i had mentioned. The article was submitted for review sometime in winter of 95-but its the publish date which is cited.
heres the article.
Okay, I'll spill the beans.
When i published this article, the two source of banggai info were Gerald Allen original description of the fish, and a 1/4 page article by Scott Micheals (using Geralds photos of the fish) on a new fish in the trade(these articles are cited in the article). Nothing was known about their captive care or spawning.
I have been credited w/ being the first person to breed and raise kauderns cardinals in captivity (in the world). Because I had the first breeding pair, I identified a potential sexing methodology based on my observations
" However my long term observations suggest that adult males have a larger, longer "banner" fin (second dorsal fin), which extends past the tip of the caudal fin (tail fin). Additionally, males have a different body shape than the larger, round-bodied females(fig.1). The males have a more V-like front end, with a slightly thicker lower jaw and a squatty body(fig. 2). "
This article has been around along time and I have learned tons more since then. I have personally fielded over 3000 posts of raising and breeding banggais (back when people would email my home email-now i have a breeding forum where i field SW fish breeding questions) and I have personally attempted to --- over 300 of my own personal banggais. The sexing info from my 96 BR article has not stood up to scrutiny of time, and like all good observational science has to be placed moved on for something better. Which has not come along.
Hopefully Guy will jump in and maybe he has some new sexing info, i would love to read and hear about.


Tanks for all the help :)
I don't have any plans on breeding at the present time. I just want a couple of banggai cardinals in the tank because I find these particular fish very interesting. I would like a male and a female so I am not wasting my money if one male decides to torment the other.
Would PJ Cardinals and the Banggai co-exist ok?
As always thanks for all the informational responses.

bang guy


Originally posted by FMarini
Hopefully Guy will jump in and maybe he has some new sexing info, i would love to read and hear about.

Well Frank,
I have spent endless hours attempting to find a visual identification cue for Banggai. I have given up. I cannot discriminate sexes between juvenile Banggai. There are simply too many square jawed females and rounded males to make any rules that I can come up with.
The best identifier I've come up with is the mouthline. The lower jaw on males is often thinner than the females. I say often because it's not a rule. All I can say is that a thin lower jaw on a juvenile is a male more often than a female.
Once a Male has held eggs it's very easy. The mouth never regains its unstretched look completly.