Bank Account stolen!! grrrrr


I hate buying stuff online! Im not even sure how it happened. I've purchased almost everything with pay pal and I thought they kept your card information private. Last night I was unable to sleep so I decided to buy some more hitches for my seahorse tank online. I had to input all my credit card info myself but it said it was a secure checkout and the website had a ton of positive reviews. So i felt safe purchasing from them. Well I wake up this am and my account has a billion and one charges to random crap all over the middle east! Im really mad right now! You would think your bank would reject any purchases made from a foreign country! And on top of that they said it's gonna take 5 days to refund my money! AND I highly doubt Im gonna even receive these fake corals! Hell I wonder if the store is even real.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by Jaodissa
I hate buying stuff online! Im not even sure how it happened. I've purchased almost everything with pay pal and I thought they kept your card information private. Last night I was unable to sleep so I decided to buy some more hitches for my seahorse tank online. I had to input all my credit card info myself but it said it was a secure checkout and the website had a ton of positive reviews. So i felt safe purchasing from them. Well I wake up this am and my account has a billion and one charges to random crap all over the middle east! Im really mad right now! You would think your bank would reject any purchases made from a foreign country! And on top of that they said it's gonna take 5 days to refund my money! AND I highly doubt Im gonna even receive these fake corals! Hell I wonder if the store is even real.
If you used a wireless connection on an unsecure line (using someone else's internet connection) your info could have been stolen that way as well.


Did you call the CC company and dispute it? More than likely you will not be charged, and they will reissue you a new card


I used my home internet connection. It is wireless but we have a password on it. I did call my bank and they let me file a dispute. It will take 3-5 days for them to process it and then the money will be refunded. They also have to send me a new card.


Active Member
Wireless network security on consumer grade equipment is a joke, but I doubt that's how it happened. More than likely the website was not legit.
It's happened to me before, but that's why you use a credit card and not a debit card for online transactions. You were smart, and you'll end up paying nothing in the end in all likelihood.


Active Member
Who knows, maybe the purchase was just a coincidence. Maybe your bank was hacked... There are literally tons of different ways to get your stuff stolen.
Like when you pay for food at a restaurant. They walk off with your card, and come back a few minutes later. Some times the store's reciept have the whole number on it... There are tons of ways for your numbers to get stolen.


Active Member

Originally Posted by SCSInet
Wireless network security on consumer grade equipment is a joke, but I doubt that's how it happened. More than likely the website was not legit.
It's happened to me before, but that's why you use a credit card and not a debit card for online transactions. You were smart, and you'll end up paying nothing in the end in all likelihood.
This happened to me about a year ago. I have a credit card that I requested by bank to issue with a very small credit line. I only use this card online and when I did get scammed my bank took care of everything, including making sure my credit rating was ok. A debit card opens up all kinds of possibilities online. I buy everything I can online, I'm a single Dad and hate shopping and this is the only problem I've ever had. (That's what I get for buying a blow-up girlfriend from Hong Kong, she sounded gorgeous too!) Its getting easy to almost always use pay-pal and I never hesitate to buy when they are in the middle.


I bet your blow up doll didn't yell at you about internet security and the hassle this has caused blah blah blah... Maybe I should trade the husband in for something with a little more air.


Active Member
This happened to us a few months ago. We got all our money back within about 3 days. I had to cancel the debit card and get a new one.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jaodissa
I bet your blow up doll didn't yell at you about internet security and the hassle this has caused blah blah blah... Maybe I should trade the husband in for something with a little more air.

Internet security... hiding under a rock is a worthless idea. Internet is where everything is going, and guess what... most brick-and-mortar stores nowadays use the internet (yes... with encrypted VPN but regardless) to transmit your credit card information... you can't avoid it.
Besides, only using local retailers costs so much extra money in the long run that it will far exceed what the occasional fraud issue does. And the time you spend rectifying it? How about the time spent driving to the store all the time... not to mention that if you are in this hobby, you are in a hobby that basically requires internet shopping.
The best course of action is to position yourself to ease the inevitability of fraud, not to try to somehow avoid it.
Crap.... I just got an email from a deposed king in Nigeria... he needs my help. Gotta run.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beth
So what kind of wireless setup would be secure?
IMO nothing that is sold to consumers. Most wireless security schemes, such as ssid disadvertising, mac whitelists, WPA, WPA2, WEP, etc are pretty easily cracked in a very short period by someone who knows what they are doing, such as the 14 year old next door who has too much time on his hands.
The really secure wireless uses certificates and 802.1x authentication schemes... techie stuff so I won't go into it but the one I deployed at work cost us $20K to procure. Personally, I have my house cabled. I have a wireless system like most folks, but it stays powered off unless I am actively using it, which isn't often. My computers are all connected into my network with physical cabling.
All this aside, the thing is that if someone cracks your wireless, they gain access to your internet connection and your computer, but if you have your computer set up properly, there is little they can do with that, and when you shop websites, 99.99% of them nowadays use SSL to encrypt the traffic going from your computer to the internet. Even if someone was able to crack your wireless and sniff (watch and read what goes by on the wire), they likely won't be able to see things like credit card numbers, etc. Most folks that crack residential networks aren't doing it to steal your info anyway, they just want to mooch off your internet connection.
The range of wireless networks is one of their biggest security advantages. More than likely only one or two houses on either side of you are in range of your wireless. Apartments are scary though. I would rather go without internet than risk a wireless in an apartment..... that or crack my neighbor and mooch off him.


Active Member
in other words we are all SOL.......

We got a call last week from our credit card security. They asked if we charged $2.17 to some place, I don't remember. He held on the phone while I called my husband. I knew he didn't I definately knew I didn't. Needless to say, they cancelled our card and he asked me to verify about 5 purchases. A kid in my daughters school just got busted awhile back by the Feds for hacking credit card numbers (I don't know how or what). Turns out he had $1,000's of dollars of merchadise purchased and DELIVERED to his house and the parents were totally surprised. REALLY????? were they??? Kid has no job, no money to speak of yet he probably knew the Fed Ex and UPS dudes by name.


Active Member
Question. I have a lot of sub accounts connected to my main checking.... the one my ATM/visa checking card thingy is attached to. If they hack the main one, will they automatically be able to get into them all? Or I guess that will kind of depend how they got in there in the first place?


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Jaodissa
I hate buying stuff online! Im not even sure how it happened. I've purchased almost everything with pay pal and I thought they kept your card information private. Last night I was unable to sleep so I decided to buy some more hitches for my seahorse tank online. I had to input all my credit card info myself but it said it was a secure checkout and the website had a ton of positive reviews. So i felt safe purchasing from them. Well I wake up this am and my account has a billion and one charges to random crap all over the middle east! Im really mad right now! You would think your bank would reject any purchases made from a foreign country! And on top of that they said it's gonna take 5 days to refund my money! AND I highly doubt Im gonna even receive these fake corals! Hell I wonder if the store is even real.

I too have been the victim of credit card ripoff. Now I have a seperate checking account from the same bank as my main account, that way I can put money from one account into another as needed. I got a debit credit card. I only use that account for online purchases and I only put in enough money to cover my purchases.
It is no big deal for me to completely close that account and restart if I have to. It never has enough money for anyone to steal. The bank always returns any money if it is indeed a ripoff, but once the bad guy has your info...time to close the account ASAP.
The people who ripped me off did not get the info from my computer, but from the places I purchased stuff from.


Active Member
I was involvd in a bit of credit card fraud. I lived alone, so I had all my CC info on post em notes on my computer stand. Then I wouldn't have to go to my wallet all the time. o_O
Maintenance man... made friends with my dogs, learned my routine and had items shipped to my address where he had been letting himself in on a regular basis. Ew. But there was all my info right there as if I had wrapped it up and gave it to him on his birthday. I was wondering why my things were moved around.... and undies went missing O.O
Ya, sometimes we feel too protected in our little houses sharing our info with the internet world.
So, I have a sum of money that is in one of these sub accounts connected with the ATM card that I use EVERYWHERE. Should I put that money somewhere else. I love being able to just stick money in there when there's a little extra floating around. If I move it out of there all together I guess I won't be able to do that so easily?


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Cranberry
I was involvd in a bit of credit card fraud. I lived alone, so I had all my CC info on post em notes on my computer stand. Then I wouldn't have to go to my wallet all the time. o_O
Maintenance man... made friends with my dogs, learned my routine and had items shipped to my address where he had been letting himself on a regular basis. Ew. But there was all my info right there as if I had wrapped it up and gave it to him on his birthday. I was wondering why my things were moved around.... and undies went missing O.O
Ya, sometimes we feel too protected in our little houses sharing our info with the internet world.

Just me and my mother in our house...
I appreciate my aggressive German shepherd more and more every day. He won't allow anyone to just walk in, even if he knows them. I only allow family to befriend my dog, still nobody can visit my house unless I am there, and don’t make any sudden moves even then, family or otherwise.


Active Member
I would always comment... even said so to my mom in another country "The dogs really like the maintenance guy... it's weird". It's about the time I was trying to be all 007 and put hair from the door panels to the doors to see if they were opened... lol.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Cranberry
I would always comment... even said so to my mom in another country "The dogs really like the maintenance guy... it's weird". It's about the time I was trying to be all 007 and put hair from the door panels to the doors to see if they were opened... lol.


Its bad, but your post made me chuckle…Your right... none of us are as safe as we think. I think being invisible is best. I try to look like I have nothing to steal; For example: I toss out my boxes at work and not in front of my house.


Active Member
And peeps wonder why I am contact (eyes) dependent. I sleep in them. I know it's bad but I want to wake up ready to fight..... not paw around looking for my glasses.