Baptism by fire....



Lets see, you'll most likely go the coral route with those lights and since you have a 135 gallon tank your gonna need a decent display
Heres a start---> Acanthastrea Lord 16 Polyps $800


Active Member

Originally posted by US~^>SHARK
Please tell me the pain will subside soon. But I'm sure once I have it done it will all be worth it..... right? Right!??

The pain never goes away, you just become numb to it!
But seriously, congrats on the tank, and I look forward to reading more about your system as you get it set up.


I spent over $3500 to get my 90 going.
But, I will tell you that the bleeding does stop. I have spent probably $100 in the last month. And that was just for little stuff.
After you spend, and spend you will, the funds necessary to get the tank up and running, you will be able to sit back and enjoy.
Just think ahead as to what you really want in the tank, then spend accordingly. dont buy small, and then say, "I will get this or that later", that is what ends up costing you so much more in the long run..
Save and buy what you will "eventually need" now. Then the tank will run perfectly, and you will enjoy the hobby.
I learned the hard way, so i am just offering my experience. i went from seting up a complete 55 reef tank, to upgrading to a complete 90 reef, and spent the funds to set up both:scared:
Those of you who have a 55 know that expense, and those who have a 90 know that one, so add em up...
Man I am SOOOO happy my wife doesnt know the REAL ammount i spent..LOL


Active Member
Hey Shark,
Have you heard "dumb as a box of rocks"?
Here is the contents of my box... $150.00 box! That's $5.00 a pound. I can buy a TON of limestone rock for that!!
Oh well-- "In for a penny, in for a pound".


Had FW...Wanted SW...
Started with 15g eclipes.....FO...added LR...not to bad.....
Changed out 37g to SW FOWLR....not too bad....used same filters etc.
Changed second 37g...same as above.....
Husband wanted bigger fish so he bought me a 90g for x-mas....he had no idea what he has he can't stop...
everyone of them has been worth every dime. I mean dollar. Every dollar times ????


you arent truly addicted until you too can say that you have spent your student loan money on your aquarium lights, and were then TOO BROKE TO BUY BEER!!!!

its a damn good thing i work in a microbiology lab and can use the lab equipment to help test and regulate my tank... i even isolated for specific strains of bacteria to maximize nitrogen conversion in the sand bed :joy:


Halomonas aquamarinus, a non-fermentative obligate aerobe, capable of oxidizing ammonia all the way to nitrate all by itself. :joy:


Active Member

Originally posted by Farmboy
Hey Shark,
Have you heard "dumb as a box of rocks"?
Here is the contents of my box... $150.00 box! That's $5.00 a pound. I can buy a TON of limestone rock for that!!
Oh well-- "In for a penny, in for a pound".

Sorry, my pic wouldn't post yesterday... here ... maybe ...


yes, i am...
generally, if bacteria can respire (use oxygen) then they will, since it is usually the most efficient metabolic process they can do. if, on the other hand, there is no oxygen present (like in a DSB), then bacteria have to get more creative and use the molecules that ARE present. This leads to some very unique and complicated chemical conversions that are only feasible under anaerobic (oxygen-free) conditions, like the oxidation of ammonia.
there are exceptions to this rule, but for the most part, nitrogen conversions occur best under anaerobic conditions


Active Member
Good explanation!
Thanks for keeping the latin to a minimum. My eyes tend to glaze over on stuff like that. . . .