I spent over $3500 to get my 90 going.
But, I will tell you that the bleeding does stop. I have spent probably $100 in the last month. And that was just for little stuff.
After you spend, and spend you will, the funds necessary to get the tank up and running, you will be able to sit back and enjoy.
Just think ahead as to what you really want in the tank, then spend accordingly. dont buy small, and then say, "I will get this or that later", that is what ends up costing you so much more in the long run..
Save and buy what you will "eventually need" now. Then the tank will run perfectly, and you will enjoy the hobby.
I learned the hard way, so i am just offering my experience. i went from seting up a complete 55 reef tank, to upgrading to a complete 90 reef, and spent the funds to set up both:scared:
Those of you who have a 55 know that expense, and those who have a 90 know that one, so add em up...
Man I am SOOOO happy my wife doesnt know the REAL ammount i spent..LOL