Originally Posted by sully677 http:///forum/post/3178639
Would 3 Bartlett's be good for an 80 gallon?
Completely depends on what else you're going to be stocking the tank with.
Originally Posted by sully677 http:///forum/post/3178667
Sailfin, Kole, Royal Gramma, Sixline, P Cardinal, 2 clows, diamond goby...
Sailfin in an 80G is pushing it so 3 Bartlett's is really going to close up your space. It can be done, you're really going to have to stay on top of water quality. Would I recommend it? No. But it can be done if you're really set on it. I see that you have a Pajama Cardinal, they school, why not add another one of them? Honestly, they prefer to be kept in groups.
Originally Posted by meowzer http:///forum/post/3178681
Yeah Sailfin Tangs get really big...Mine is now over 6", and very active....
I guess we should ask the dimensions of this tank.....
Definitely, I've had mine for a month and she's grown quite a bit and isn't even close to full grown yet. I wouldn't put one in anything less than a 125.