this first picture is of my 55 gal tank how i had it set up originally had it set up, since then i have added some live rock and yesterday we got rid of the crushed coral and put in a sand bed.
once I get my new tank and get it stabilized, I would like it to look like yours. That is awesome... Where did you look to find a guide on where to place your mushrooms, anenomes etc??? It looks great. How many fish do you have????
OMG awesome rockwork. And all of your colonies of zoo's! Sweet tank kickster.
Blondie also nice tank. i wish I hadda gone sandbed before I put my LR in. But I'm stuck with my CC.
yea we are going to buy another 30ish lbs of lr next week, and have live sand on order from, just waiting for it to show up. also, my wife keeps saying she thinks one power head is enough for the tank, but i see alot of people saying they use 2, what does everyone think i should use? 1 or 2? (the one we use isnt very strong, dont know name, friend gave it to me)
wablondie98664 - if that red rock in your tank is the kind that you can buy for freshwater tanks I would take it out of your tank. They are made out of a type of rock that can leech chemicals into your tank.
jeo, it's a lava rock that was givin to us with the tank, so we don't know if it's for freshwater or not.............
heres the latest pic of our tank taken a few minutes ago, got a background to hide cords
wablondie98664 your tank is looking really nice.
I would try and pick out small LR when you buy some more pieces. With these small to medium pieces you could make better caves and it just looks better. Use the large LR you have now as the base to your future reef.
Originally posted by wablondie98664
jeo, it's a lava rock that was givin to us with the tank,
Lava rock is the kind of rock that I mean! It conatains heavy metals that are detrimental to fish and corals