Beggining A Tank Help Please


Im starting a 65 gallon tank 3ft Long and 2ft Wide and i need some ideas and some help here are two pics of da tank i is not yet done, the tank stand is beeing made and hopfully will have it by saturday n im waiting on my overflow that i will recieve it on friday. I live in the Dominican Republic and in the aquariums they do not sell live rock so i have to go in da ocean myself n get the rocks of my choice and cure it. I will post pics of the live rock i have chosen soon. Please Help Me And Give Me Ideas. Thank You


aztec reef

Active Member
well i think taking LR from ocean is illegal
But you will need about 40lbs more for a reef. 1-1.5 lbs of liverock per gallon. You're gonna need to buy sand at the pet store . Unless you got a boat and are going deep in the ocean. But i woudn't use the sand at the beach or around shore (it's contaminated and polluted) you're gonna need about 4" of sand.


Originally Posted by Aztec Reef
well i think taking LR from ocean is illegal
But you will need about 40lbs more for a reef. 1-1.5 lbs of liverock per gallon. You're gonna need to buy sand at the pet store . Unless you got a boat and are going deep in the ocean. But i woudn't use the sand at the beach or around shore (it's contaminated and polluted) you're gonna need about 4" of sand.
I agree with Aztec. You better check your laws. Harvesting yourelf is illegal. However, onto your question, you will want a 4-5 inch sandbed. You can use plain aquarium sand for the first 2-3 inches, then add live on top. It will all be live in 6-8 months. You will also need 60-70lbs of lr. This can be mixed with base rock. Again, it will all be "live" in 6-8 months.


I live in the Dominican Republic its an island and it isnt illegal to get rocks from the ocean. i went to the aqaurium near me and asked if they sell live rock or any other aquarium that sells and they said no that the people go to the ocean and get it. i will not get sand frm the ocean it will cost more diving for it than buy it and in da aquarium near me they sell live sand and also sell fish at cheap prices, tangs are about 5 dollars and anemones are about 7 dollars. i will get the live rock from a person that will dive for it and he will ask for about 20 or 30 dollars. thank you for the help and for the onfo it helps alot to kno and get other ideas frm other people. i will like more i deas and recomendations to help me on my aquarium.

aztec reef

Active Member
wow a lfs that doesn't sell LR, they must not sell much of saltwater stuff
I would recomend to get a book called . The Conscientious Marine Aquarist by Robert Fenner.
Also that Tang is not a good idea for that shape of tank. The anemonies need a mature tank and good lighting.
First you need to do a search for how to start the NITROGEN CYCLE that's the first thing you will do with your tank.


yea i ordered that book a while ago im recieving it on friday and i kno about the nitrogen cycle and about curring the rocks ive been doin alot of research and have been reading alot of forums on this site to learn and get ideas. i had a salt water tank before when i live in miami florida, a 55 gallon and a had it in great shape until i left to orlando for vacation and my uncle was supoosed to feed them and wen i came back the tank crash. the lfs near me sells alot of salt water fish at cheap prices they have anenomes, clown fish, lion fish, tiger fish angels, damssels star fish and alot more. i also was looking in the yellow pages and found a factory that sells live rock, 25 lb's of live rock for 20 dollars.
Why arent tangs a good idea for the shape of the tank. The pic is messed up i toolks longer than what it is it realy is more wider, it 3ft wide and about 2.5 ft high and 2 ft long.
Before i put my fish i will put my live rock and after they are cure ill put it or if the rocks come cured about 1 0r two weeks later i will put the anenomes but this is after the tank is stable and all nitrite and amonia levles are down to zero and ph and gravity levle are at good rates. What do you think?


Active Member
Hi, If you go in the ocean and get the rocks yourself then keep them moist in some water and you will not need to cure it. Lesley


Originally Posted by Lesleybird
Hi, If you go in the ocean and get the rocks yourself then keep them moist in some water and you will not need to cure it. Lesley
Getting lr from the ocean is illegal.
Tangs need 6 foot tanks for the swimming space they are very active and need ALOT of room.


o ok. Well i have a question, after the water is put do i put the rocks in and then after everything is good and stable put the sand, or could i just put it all together at once and wait until everything is good? Also after everything is good and stabled should i start off with like 4 damsles and put a star fish n urchin and hermit crabs to get to cleaning or should i leave that for later?


Originally Posted by Cooqie
o ok. Well i have a question, after the water is put do i put the rocks in and then after everything is good and stable put the sand, or could i just put it all together at once and wait until everything is good? Also after everything is good and stabled should i start off with like 4 damsles and put a star fish n urchin and hermit crabs to get to cleaning or should i leave that for later?
damsels are not a good start with a small school of chromis but no starfish wait 8-6 months for those a sea urchin i think needs a mature tank but hermit crabs, snails, shrimps and other things are great


O Why arent damsels good i heard those where the best fish to start your fish tank to acclimate the tank, and also what is chromis


O thanks now i know not to buy them thats the last thing i need pest!. And what do you mean live rock will start the cycle?


yea i kno the whole cycle of curring rock, takes about 4-6 week but it should be fun. but wen im curring the rock could i cure it with the sand in it already or should i cure it without the sand, which is better?


Active Member
You want to have the sand in. Try and buy all the rock you need so you dont need to screw around with the tank when it is established.


yea i know i should buy all da rock that i want at the same time so it can get cured all at the same time, if i dont buy it at the same time and later put more rock that is uncured the tank will crash and i dont want that i will go crazy. Tell with what fish shoul i start, maybe clowns?