I would recomend zoos, xenia, anthia, brain corals( they just keep growing), leathers, shrooms, and euphyillia corals, If your tank water has somewhat high nitrates an elegance coral would prob do awesome, they love dirty tanks!! They usually are considered hard to keep because people super skim their which removes all nutrients, good for sps bad for elegance. My elegance ive had it for about a year and 1/2 and it thrived in my macro alage tank because of the high nitrates and less than perfect water quality. The best way to figure out what animals to keep, even more advanced ones, it to think about where in nature they live and do your best to recreate that environment in the tank. No matter what may be a beginer species if it is taken out if its "zone of comfort" then it will not thrive or do well. :happyfish :happyfish