Ben's New Nano!


Originally Posted by spanko
Wait, you put the bio balls - media back in? This is okay but be aware that this system needs to be maintained in order to work as it is designed to. The media has to be removed, about 1/3 per month, and swished around in saltwater in order to remove the accumulated detritus from them so that you nitrates do not increase. Much the same as putting the live rock back there only these are easier to get out to clean. If you put them in now with the idea of removing them later they will have become part or your bio filtration and can only be removed a handful at a time to allow the biofilter in the tank to increase its bacteria so that you don't experience an ammonia spike.
Ok i see what you are saying if i keep them in there they will become part of my biological filtration .. So I guess as long as i keep up with water changes and doing the 1/3 per month I should be ok.


Originally Posted by [Ronnie]
hope all this helps... WHISK will be proud of me.. LoLLLLL ...
im a complete n00b just acting like i know what im talking about... this is all wise words from some smart guys here.. just a FYI.. these were helpful to me as i hope they will help you as well.
P.S - your rock work looks VERY GOOD.. i reallly like it. Reminds me of WHISK's tank.. hopefully you have a ton of hitchers and goodies as he did! Keep us posted!
From one n00b to another thanks for your help..Looking forward to finding some hitchers!


Active Member
Originally Posted by [Ronnie] http:///forum/post/2853177
from what i have read is yes, take that LR out of the middle, a good idea would be your lit fuge from what every1 says here...
as far as your bioballs go, people are not to crazy about them.. they say as long you have your CHEMI-PURE (make sure to rinse out with RO water or Salt water as if you dont you will have your water turn all black.
They also recommend Purigen .. (optional) .. or you can have 1 or the other (Chemipure or the Purigen)
From what i have been told.. ceramic rings/bioballs and your carbon will not be necessary if the above are in your tank. Just make sure to keep up with your water changes and everything should be fine. I since i had them still just kept them in since i started my tank with them and figured i guess its nothing to lose since i already have them.. the carbon will be released as needed so its not like i will have TOOO MUCH.. but thats a matter of preference i say. I have heard a lot of different things and i guess there is no right or wrong (someone please correct me if i am miss leading him)
Whisk and Nanon00b have helped me a lottttt in this hobby and here are some helpful links i can pass down from the VETS who have helped me TONS...
Your lit Fuge:
Where you can buy your light for your cheeato:
*as mentioned above if you want to upgrade your lighting:
hope all this helps... WHISK will be proud of me.. LoLLLLL ...
im a complete n00b just acting like i know what im talking about... this is all wise words from some smart guys here.. just a FYI.. these were helpful to me as i hope they will help you as well.
P.S - your rock work looks VERY GOOD.. i reallly like it. Reminds me of WHISK's tank.. hopefully you have a ton of hitchers and goodies as he did! Keep us posted!
Great advice man, excellent job... Im glad my Blog is helping some out
thanks for the props

Bmorosco- you tanks looking great man, love seeing Nano-cubes going up


Originally Posted by NaNo-NeWb1983
Great advice man, excellent job... Im glad my Blog is helping some out
thanks for the props

Bmorosco- you tanks looking great man, love seeing Nano-cubes going up
Thanks alot..How often should i test the water when first starting out?


personally i didnt start testing my water until i hadm y tank setup for about 2 weeks.. i really wasnt rushing it which is why i never tested it..
i know some of the guys here test everyday when they start it up.. or every other day.. just to see when they get there spike.
id say if yout going to do the raw shrimp method to jump start your tank (which is pretty much putting in a raw shrimp in a pantyhose *so that when it decomposes its not all over your tank*) to raise your ammonia and jump start the tank ..... id test everyday to make sure everything is going okay, and that you really do get your spike.. whisk had to put in 2 shirmps till he finally noticed his change..
you can also ghost feed the tank, which is pretty much feed the tank as if there was fish in there so raise the ammonia again.
a good handful did not do any of that (raw shrimp/ghost feed) *1 including me... actually i take that back, i ghost fed once and everything was fine in my tank... just depends if you you have the patience to wait it out.
but testing your water gives you something to do.. you get bored of looking at a tank full of water anxious to fill it up with all the goodies!.. it also gives you something to post about in your diary that you can look back on.
hope this helps


Active Member
+1 on testing everyday until the cycle is over. It was also give you an opportunity to get accustomed to using your testing equipment. Now I test once a week if tha


Active Member
Sorry if I seem to keep throwing in a wrench to your plans.....BUT....I would use the bio-balls
, They have worked for years and they don't need anymore attention then anything else. I just put the hose in the back 1 time every 3-4 months shake the balls up and suck out the debris.
Not a big deal at all , I have tried ALL the other things...Chemipure , Cheato ect.. nothing seemed to work as well as good ol bio-balls. Like I have said in the past , if you buy a "all in one" tank , then why would you dismantle it and re-build? you could just buy a plain tank and build your own system. The people who make the tanks are smart people and they sell millions of them...because they work. Sorry again if I seem like I am TELIING you what to do , just trying to save you some trouble. As you will see there is more then 1 way to have a successful tank. Good luck and NICE rock work
Keep the pic's coming


Originally Posted by nwdyr
Sorry if I seem to keep throwing in a wrench to your plans.....BUT....I would use the bio-balls
, They have worked for years and they don't need anymore attention then anything else. I just put the hose in the back 1 time every 3-4 months shake the balls up and suck out the debris.
Not a big deal at all , I have tried ALL the other things...Chemipure , Cheato ect.. nothing seemed to work as well as good ol bio-balls. Like I have said in the past , if you buy a "all in one" tank , then why would you dismantle it and re-build? you could just buy a plain tank and build your own system. The people who make the tanks are smart people and they sell millions of them...because they work. Sorry again if I seem like I am TELIING you what to do , just trying to save you some trouble. As you will see there is more then 1 way to have a successful tank. Good luck and NICE rock work
Keep the pic's coming

I did put everything back stock I am going with that the people making the tank know what they are doing ..Please feel free to tell me to STOP and do it the right way! I appreciate any help thank you!


Active Member
thanks , I just didn't want to sound like I know everything , in this hobby you NEVER stop learning! You came to the right place there are some people here that really know allot about swf!


Active Member
Your rock work looks great! I have a 12 gal. Aquapod and my only suggestion would be to make sure you have enough room between your rock and glass to scrape your glass or use a magfloat.
Some people don't care if they get coraline on the side of their glass, but it drives me crazy!! I love my mag float but still need to scrape the glass evey now and then.
Welcome to the hobby!


Ok I know nothing exciting but I have added a powerhead to increase circulation during the cureing phase..Tested water today and..


Active Member
Welcome to the forums and congratulations on your new addicition and your nano. Everything is looking great so far and I like your rock work.
I think you have helped yourself tremendously by asking for help on these forums. You will learn a lot and many of us are willing to help you out to get you on your feet. It may be overwhelming at first, but with patience you will get there.
Your water parameters so far are normal and what is expected when you first set up a tank. Hopefully by now you know the cycle process and how it works. I think it would be also great if you could also post your temperature and salinity readings as its good habit to check them as well.
Best of luck to you!


Originally Posted by Whisk
Welcome to the forums and congratulations on your new addicition and your nano. Everything is looking great so far and I like your rock work.
I think you have helped yourself tremendously by asking for help on these forums. You will learn a lot and many of us are willing to help you out to get you on your feet. It may be overwhelming at first, but with patience you will get there.
Your water parameters so far are normal and what is expected when you first set up a tank. Hopefully by now you know the cycle process and how it works. I think it would be also great if you could also post your temperature and salinity readings as its good habit to check them as well.
Best of luck to you!

Whisk thank you! I will do that in future posts. Current temp is 80.0 and 1.024..again Thanks.