best fish to eat algae?


i have a lot of green algae on the bottom of my 10 gallon tank on the sand, and i was wondering what is a good fish/invert that will eat it.
my lfs said dragon gobies and sand stars, any other ones? btw, i need a cheap one.


Active Member
I see lawnmower blennies at my LFS for around 15 bucks.. pretty cheap as far as saltwater fish go.. and they are cute and fun to watch =c)


ook, any links to them and what they look like, also i was wondering how much lr i should get for my tank, and if any of u guys have any for sale, im in georgia


Look right here on under "fish" on the left. Look for Blennies, then scroll to lawnmower blennie. He is $14.99 here.


Active Member
the lawnmower blenny (aka algae blenny) may not look cool, but they are. they have tons of character and do a great job of cleaning the tank. yellow tangs are easy to come by, and are cheap and eat lots of algae.


Active Member
How big is your tank? You want about 1 to 1.5 lbs per gallon of water.
If you really want some nice pieces take a drive down to FL around the Tampa area and i'll tell you about this wholesale place right next to me.. the place has insane prices on everything. 1 dollar peppermint shrimp, any coral they have in stock is 22-26 dollars (no higher) puffers for 10 dollars etc etc. Super cheap live rock too, 5.00 a lb and they are probably the nicest pieces you can find anywhere (the pieces are really beautiful, you have no idea!)


ok thanks guys, i have a 10 gallon tank, if i was going to buy some live rock, could anyone buy some from there store and sell it to me, live rock at my store are like 8/lb


Active Member
I would love to send you some live rock.. but im am wicked ... wicked... WICKED lazy and it would be a huge process for me to find a box and a bag and blah blah in order to send it to you.. and then you wouldnt send me the money for it and i'd cry and have nightmares etc etc.. would be a horrible situation.. but if you're really interested in this rock you could probably give me your mailing address and I could hand select pieces for you from that fish store and they can mail them to you... or I can give you their phone # whenever you want and you can call them and find out the details yourself! =c)


i am really intersted, i can get u a pic of my tank, and u can tell me what i need. do u know the owner and could get a discount on lr?
i have paypal too. how much do u think it it will be for 5lb-8lb.( i got a 10 gallon tank, and i have one coral banned shrimp and a tomato clown)
also i trade/buy/sell a lot of paintball stuff, and i have A LOT of feedback on another forum.


Active Member
well.. if you only want 5-8 lbs of rock you're probably better off just paying the 8 dollars a lb at your LFS .. cause after you're charged shipping for just the 5 lbs you'd be paying over 8 dollars after shipping is added on :p Though if you want their phone # to maybe get some information on the kinda stuff they offer you can email me at
Feel free to send pics of what you have so far too :)


and i need a more powerful light, i have screw in 50/50s now. 30 watts in total. how much are light fixers?
and do u think they have anything that will be cheaper to buy there than at my lfs