:hilarious :hilarious :hilarious :hilarious :hilarious :hilarious
Brad, that is one of the funniest things I have ever seen. Thank you for that, I needed it.
Originally posted by psoup
Thats from albinoblacksheep.com , I think.
I'm not sure. I saw it on another forum. I have a habit of saving funny pics. I have a huge library of them on my PC.
Originally posted by NM reef
I'm less violent...I like this one of the wife...
I don't know why I'm remembering this now, but that looks a lot like my girlfriend(except she weres more clothes than that)
Salty unless you are an asian man named Xiao Xiao then you did not make that....
The first gif is also from a Xiao Xiao movie, either 3rd or 5th.
You guys must not surf the net much because you can find almost all of those images and such in a million othe places: www.albinoblacksheep.com www.ebaumsworld.com www.liquidgeneration.com www.newgrounds.com www.fazed.net
If there is something funny or amazing on the internet you will find it on one of those sites.
Ohhh. Your good. The last one is from xiao xiao 1. The first and the second one i made. I guarantee you'll never find the first and the second one any where.