Best lighting for my buck

Originally Posted by morgs
Does the tek come in 72"? I'm "all of a sudden" in need of lighting as well (I have an odyssea that one plug just went out on, and i've heard baaaaaaad stories about them - you know, catching on fire and stuff...) . Similarly, I'd like to make an informed purchase and I'd like it to be cost efficient - changing out 4 bulbs @ $30 each is better than changing out 6 @ $40. I also don't want to short change myself and buy something (like the odyssea) that I'll be changing out in two years.
I have a 125 that I just starting getting going again after a year off and I do want to populate with corals.
Thanks in advance.
I think you to will be pleased with the Nova Extreme Pro. And I did some research and the bulbs are around $20 ... so that should be $120 for a total change. This thread has gotten a great responce and from what I can tell people seem to like the pro and it does the job .. so to speak. Just my little opinion!


okay, I just ordered one. Next question - in the installation it says that this light needs to be above a closed tank, and on another board I heard people saying that it's okay to have it over an open tank, and just wipe off the cover. Any input on open tank vs. closed tank?


I suppose I should create a new thread or search through the olds ones about open vs. closed. Just getting lazy...


Active Member
Originally Posted by moprint
Yeah all but one. I like the light, I am running it stock right now though. Waiting on a sale to upgrade to a 75. Been keeping track your lighting thread so new bulb choice won't be a problem.
Dam, afraid of that. Oh well, Hope it was at least the extra current lamp that broke


Active Member
Originally Posted by morgs
I suppose I should create a new thread or search through the olds ones about open vs. closed. Just getting lazy...

What you can do is go to Home Despot or Lowes and get the Eggcrate stuff they use for overhead fluorescent lighting, the white plastic grid looking stuff and cut that to fit over the tank. Doesn't cut out much light and doesn't hold the heat in either.


Active Member
Originally Posted by morgs
okay, I just ordered one. Next question - in the installation it says that this light needs to be above a closed tank, and on another board I heard people saying that it's okay to have it over an open tank, and just wipe off the cover. Any input on open tank vs. closed tank?
I don't know why you couldn't use it on an open tank, you will just have to wipe the salt off the shield once in a while.


I've been running my tank with the top intact for really no known reason - I guess just because I had the tops I used them. It would be easier (for feeding and the such) to not have the top in place.
I'm going to take the tops off today and see if I like or dislike. the evaporation can't be any worse I wouldn't think, and I don't have any jumpers to my knowledge.
Can't wait for the new light to arrive!


Active Member
i hv my pro over an opened tank. just gotta wipe the splashed shield like once every 2 weeks, bc of the salt creep.


Active Member
Originally Posted by morgs
I've been running my tank with the top intact for really no known reason - I guess just because I had the tops I used them. It would be easier (for feeding and the such) to not have the top in place.
I'm going to take the tops off today and see if I like or dislike. the evaporation can't be any worse I wouldn't think, and I don't have any jumpers to my knowledge.
Can't wait for the new light to arrive!

I have no top glass too. Just too much pain in cleaning etc. Evap. I can live with, just extra top off in the sump each night. Also I have two jumpers in my 72 bow. A Diamond and a Purple fire fish. Although I tell everyone to egg grate with a Diamond, I know the bad isses may have on this point. I wish though they made a factory style egg crate that didn,t look like a chopped up thing on a Bow front tank. Wish me luck, the Diamond is over a year jump free and the PFF almost as long.


Active Member
Originally Posted by morgs
can I ask where you ordered them from without breaking any forum rules?
You can ask but he can't tell you
What did you end up getting?


I thought that EXACT same thing right after I posted...

I went with the Nova Extreme Pro. Bought it off of a physician. ;)


So now I guess my NEXT question is about lunars, being as this fixture doesn't have any.
Necessary or not?


Active Member
i dont find a need for it. u can buy those lunar separately and place them where ever u want.


So just actinic from 10 - 2, all lights from 2 - 7, actinic from 7 - 10, then darkness?
I realize this is kind of a personal preference, but just wanted to see what you folks thought.
I am a bit shocked that the lunars aren't necessary based upon all the fixtures that have them included, but I know very little.