Best lighting for my buck


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My old one had lunars. I don't miss them. The Pro now lets the wife have her clams!!


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Originally Posted by morgs
So just actinic from 10 - 2, all lights from 2 - 7, actinic from 7 - 10, then darkness?
I realize this is kind of a personal preference, but just wanted to see what you folks thought.
I am a bit shocked that the lunars aren't necessary based upon all the fixtures that have them included, but I know very little.

The time cycle all depends on a number of factors. Although recreating Natures day lenght time is not wrong. A lot can depend on how high of a light demand your critters have. Are there critters in your tank that now need to adjust to this now brighter light system?? If so the initial total day length" may need to be shortened a lot. Corals can take a whole bunch of cloudy days in a row. But an immediate large increases in brightness may "burn" or scorch them. Like everything else we do in this Reefing thing, changes must occur gradually....... Warren


Good point Warren. The only coral I have is a sun coral, and he hides from the light anyhow. I'll start on a more gradual schedule.


Coral, you said that they were on the way. Did you get an email telling you that, or how do you know? And when did you order?
I just want to know when to expect mine. I just ordered yesterday but it feels like it's taking forever. :) ESPECIALLY knowing that my current fixture could catch fire!


Active Member
Originally Posted by coralrocksNY
Morgs--- I also got my lights at the doctors *wink*
Justin.. went with the Nova Extreme Pro 48" 324 watts!

From the "Doctors" wink LOL....... You will get both order and shipping (Fed Ex) confirmations..... Mine only took about 4 or 5 days when I ordered mine to getting here. Heck I even knew when the where on the local truck to my house........Warren


I run mine on an open tank, just wipe it off on Sat. morning. I think its an insurance thing they have to put in the ad, not that something bad can't happen. As far as lighting schedule on switch controls 2 bulbs, the other switch the rest. I have 2 bulbs on for a half hour then the others come on I run all 6 then the 4 go off then a half hour later the last 2 go off. Remember this light is as wide as a 55 gallon, so if you have hang on tank equipment hope its low profile. Hope you all like your light as much as I do.
Warren... I bet the truck will take longer to get out here in the sticks where I live!!!!!
have not checked the date as to when arrival was exspected. I was at the casino tonight tring to win more coin for the ank fund lol
Morgs...lucky duck, you will have those lights before the week is out. let me know what you think!


Active Member
Originally Posted by coralrocksNY
Warren... I bet the truck will take longer to get out here in the sticks where I live!!!!!
have not checked the date as to when arrival was exspected. I was at the casino tonight tring to win more coin for the ank fund lol
Morgs...lucky duck, you will have those lights before the week is out. let me know what you think!

Hope the arm is not too tired from pulling that handle at the casino!!!
qoute...."out in the sticks" here is what I see from my front deck this time of the year..........Here in good old West Va.



well, I have to report that I did indeed get my fixture today, and it's been damaged - appears that during shipping it was dropped on a corner. nothing that will keep it from functioning (although I didn't turn it on yet - I'm acclimating the bulbs from the 15 degree temperature outside), but the splash shield is cracked about 12 inches from the corner and that same side (opposite the fans) is cracked. I've emailed the good doctor to see what my options are.


Active Member
they hv a very good exchanged policy. they will probably ship u a new one and email u a ups prepaid label.


Active Member
Originally Posted by morgs
well, I have to report that I did indeed get my fixture today, and it's been damaged - appears that during shipping it was dropped on a corner. nothing that will keep it from functioning (although I didn't turn it on yet - I'm acclimating the bulbs from the 15 degree temperature outside), but the splash shield is cracked about 12 inches from the corner and that same side (opposite the fans) is cracked. I've emailed the good doctor to see what my options are.
Darn shame !!!!!!! It does not happen too often, but things do happen, sorry!
morgs- what a disappointmeny. To have your lighting come damaged! sheesh... what did they say about it .. will they do anything for you?
Mine has yet to arrive... I am sure by tomarrow.
Big... My arm has recovered but my wallet did not
Oh well ... must work harder for the coin!... oh and I am still waiting for your pic from backyard to download.. I will let you know what I think.... you can picture my backyard.. one BIG blanket of SNOW! haha
I have not checked email to see when the lights arrive.. but I can't wait.


Actually they just sent me a reply and it sounds like they'll have the manufacturer send out the broken parts to me and I can swap them out. Shouldn't be too hard.
If they were the same size I was going to have the one headed to upstate NY rerouted to PA...


Active Member
Originally Posted by coralrocksNY
morgs- what a disappointmeny. To have your lighting come damaged! sheesh... what did they say about it .. will they do anything for you?
Mine has yet to arrive... I am sure by tomarrow.
Big... My arm has recovered but my wallet did not
Oh well ... must work harder for the coin!... oh and I am still waiting for your pic from backyard to download.. I will let you know what I think.... you can picture my backyard.. one BIG blanket of SNOW! haha
I have not checked email to see when the lights arrive.. but I can't wait.
Yea snow hear too the shot was from my front deck in the HD from a while back. Snow here now too!! Come on spring time!!!!!


Well, got word from the supplier that they will contact the manufacturer and ship out the replacements for the damaged pieces and I should have them within 7 - 10 days. Wow, what service.
And yes, I'm extremely happy with the light fixture. The only thing I would change is the odyssea had hinged stands, so you could just flip the fixture up (presumably to change bulbs). But it's bright (obviously), not too hot and the tank looks great with them. I'm planning on some coral purchases here within the next few days and then I'll have pictures.
Nothing yet, coralrocks?
*tap tap tap* nothing yet morgs!
I am glad they took care of your damaged light fixture!!
Big... very nice pics! and yes I hope spring comes sooner reather than later this year! can't wait to get out there!
GUYS !!!!
They are set to arrive today!
Can't wait..... now if only I had the rest of the stuff... a little water and maybe some FISH!