Best lighting for your $$$$ ?


I am looking to purchase some new lighting for both of my tanks 65gla and 55gal. What is the best lighting and most economical(electric useage and purchase price) Does anyone have any suggestions on how to save some money. I have built both of my hoods and currently have PC lighing. I do not have a problem with wireing the hood myself. Home Depot....Electrical suppler...internet wholesale...I just do not know were to start.
Thanks for your help.


Somehow I'm beginning to think that very few falks on this forum know anything and have enough experience to answer yours or mine question, so be pation and do your research
I'm confused a little about lightning. First: my tank is 36" and I have a canopy on it, and I'm keep hearing different opinions on what would fit 24" or 36" retro.
The other thing REALLY got me confused is wattage.
Doing my research, reading this and other forums, I learned that I need at least 5W per gallon to do reef. Now my LFS told me that Hamilton 24" CF with 2-55W is plenty enough to do reef but without hard corals. I didn't belive them, but they showed me that all their display tanks running with that or similar combinations, and they have anemonies, mashrooms etc, except hard corals.
Whats the deal?
Personally I was thinking for my tank to go MH-CF retro 24 or 36 with 175W on MH and 2-55W Actinic.
Any recomendations would be appreciated.
Btw my tank is 20" tall


Thanks for the info Kip. I like the idea of making your own lighting. I am a do it yourself kinda guy. I figured someone has set up a MH on their own. I appriciate the info and will put it to good use.


Jeez kip, how long are you on the board each day!? If you posted one post per minute, it would take nearly a week to get as many posts as you have (yes, I did the calculations).
Now that's dedication!

bang guy

Hey Bob, I don't believe switching to NO flourescents would be an upgrage from the PC lights currently in use.

bang guy

Kip - I think Bob just didn't notice that NJ already has PC lighting. I do agree with you about shoplights in a high humidity saltwater environment though. In my opinion the shop lights are terrible on efficiency. Fine for a shop perhaps but when they're on 10-12 hours a day inefficient ballasts can cost you a lot in the long run.