Best shrimp for Yellow watchman goby


Active Member
I'm guessing he meant what kind of pistol shrimp.
I don't think it matters much. I had my YWG with a tiger pistol. It was pretty cool to watch them excavate tunnels together. The shrimp did tend to knock zoanthid frags all over the place though, even dragging a few small ones into their tunnels. The pistol ended up dying but the fish is still doing fine a year later.

jessi p

OK... how about CBS and Peppermint shrimp... I ask this because they come with the cleaner crew package I am ordering from SWF. The YWG is on my fish list as well..... down the road. Will they get along?
Is it a sort of symbiotic relationship as with the clown fish and it's anemone?


Active Member
my pistol doesnt bother my peppermints other than to crack at them if they get near his cave.
not sure about the cbs, but if you can avoid getting one of those you'd be better off.
and yes, they **can** form a simbiotic relationship. my shrimpgoby and shrimp though live on opposite sides of my tank :(


i hope no1s getting annoyed with me chiming in on these threads but I'm pretty ignorant still
so does a ywg need a shrimp as a friend. my cleaner shrimp died when we moved the tank. for the last few days my ywg has been very aggressive. my spotted orange goby has to stay on the top rocks to keep away from it and my yellow tang cant go within 1 ft of his cave or she gets bit.
i read that ywg are peaceful, peaceful fish don't bite sweet yellow tangs
Anyway do i need to buy a new shrimp for him?


Originally Posted by hopping
i hope no1s getting annoyed with me chiming in on these threads but I'm pretty ignorant still
so does a ywg need a shrimp as a friend. my cleaner shrimp died when we moved the tank. for the last few days my ywg has been very aggressive. my spotted orange goby has to stay on the top rocks to keep away from it and my yellow tang cant go within 1 ft of his cave or she gets bit.
i read that ywg are peaceful, peaceful fish don't bite sweet yellow tangs
Anyway do i need to buy a new shrimp for him?
They don't have to have one. They pair with pistol shrimp, not cleaners (at laeast not that I know of).
I had my YWG paired with a Tiger Pistol Shirmp but I haven't seen or heard the shrimp for a while.