Best Skimmer for a 140gallon tank?


Active Member
Looking for opinions here - was consistenly researching a 75-90 gallon tank until I got this 140. So I need some opinions on what you think the best skimmer for a tank this size is?? Was thinking of a DIY but not enough time on my hands right now to do that (plus several other projects).
If you can give me hte brand and the estimated costs that would rock.
The skimmer will be in sump and part of a closed loop system.
Thanks all


hey overanalyzer-
i am in the process of setting up a 140 as well, and i am interested in the skimmers suggested here too. i would like to see what you have done to yours if you have some pictures!


Active Member

Originally posted by mlm
How much are you looking to spend?

I would love to say "Whatever it takes" but right now I have $200 set aside with the potential for more if I need to (just means I have to suffer through the end of summer with a vehicle with no AC)......


Active Member

Originally posted by SaltyNewbie
hey overanalyzer-
i am in the process of setting up a 140 as well, and i am interested in the skimmers suggested here too. i would like to see what you have done to yours if you have some pictures!

Uhm it looks alot like this picture below but now it is full of water (and I put the glass tops and NO lights on it for now)


Active Member
3rd that! It's a great skimmer with the mag 7 and rated (?) up to 300 gallons. I don't know if I would trust that but for your 140 it will do great.

nm reef

Active Member
Take a look at the Euroreef line of skimmers....several of the current models will work for your system. Porbably more money than some others...but they are quality products. I run a EuroReef CS6-2...and I'm extremely pleased with it.

richard rendos

Active Member
Euro-Reef CS 8-2 or 8-3 would be a great skimmer for that size tank. You will not be sorry you purchased this skimmer.
Here is mine before installing it.


Active Member
Holy SCHMOKES .... checked them out on the web and I paid less for hte tank and stand then I would pay for a Euro reef ....are there any knock offs built in the same design style???


I paid 375 for CPR sump,skimmer, and overflow and shove 1100 gph through it and it works great. Skimmer, sump, and 200 gal bio bale ran me about 275, overflow was 75 and rest was shipping. The self contained unit is very nice.


Well I guess I'll chime in here. I had sticker shock when I looked into the euro-reef too, but it's the best money I've spent as far as skimmers go.


Active Member

Originally posted by javatech
did you check with the reef house yet i think they have some used ones

this weekend - plan on going and doing a little window drooling down there!!


how about a turboflotor 1000. Rated up to 300 gallons. Costs about 230 with pump. I have one on my 90 gallon and is doing great!


a my reef creations skimmer runds 245 plus pump, and it recommends a mag 12. it is rated at 175 gallons. they have really good products if you decide to jump up the the 300 dollar level.
also i do not know offhand the prices for precision marines skimmer rated for that size, but i know steveweast has a very good water quality on his tank, and he uses presicion marine for his nielsen, calcium reactor, and skimmers pretty much exclusively.
let us know on what you settle on though and how it works out, i am doing a 120 myself, and will most likely be going mrc or pm unless i can find a pretty good reason not to.