Best Tangs for Reef????

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by AquaKnight
Yo! A Matt B sighting! Wat up!
cafero, a passer angel is the one angel, that even I wouldn't bother to try in a reef setting (making note that if I could afford a Clarion, I wouldn't care if he ate corals, just replenish them). If you truly want a reef tank, the only option unfortunately is going to be to trade away the angel. If you perhaps want a tank with some corals here and there, then keep the angel and start trying some corals (very large softies, mushrooms, and SPS would be my recommendation). Distracting the angel with some live sponge isn't going to be enough (if he'll even eat the sponge), and neither is 'keeping him well fed.'
As for the title of this thread, by far and away, the 'best' tangs for reef tanks are those in the Naso
genus. Common-named Naso tangs, Vlamingii, Lopezi, etc. The problem is that this guys grow up to be massive, outgrowing even a 140gal.
What I would suggest, is sort of a 'secret fish.' You'll probably have to look to find him, but if you want another tang, I would recommend a Doctorfish, Acanthurus chirurgus
. They are far on the 'peaceful' side of Acanthurus tangs, they're fairly hardy, and can stand up for themselves. Plus, they don't look to shabby as adults.

Yeah, they are awesome lookin! I found a site that sells them for $8.
But I can't post the link as its against forum rules.

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by cafero702
i used to have a powder blue tang it was a little baby got stressed out and died and ive always heard blue hippo tangs get ich so easily but maybe if its a little big and hardier it should be fine??
And i was thinking another yellow tang becasue they do gret in groups together from what ive read and heard and seen in my LFS.
Any tang you put in there is a huge risk as far s ich and velvet. But something like a powder blue or brown would be a very bad idea.
Adding another yellow tang is a VERY bad idea. No matter what you do they are going to fight. The only time they wont is if it is a big tank (300+) and are added at the same time. The only reason you see them in groups in fish stores is cause they stuff so many in the same tank they dont have a chance to fight. And getting a fish out of a tank like that is a very bad idea cause if ONE out of 10 of those fish is carrying a parasite then every single one has it.
Your angel picking on the yellow tang is the least of your worrys. Yellow tangs do not do great in groups in aquariums, That is a rumor. They are going o constantly fighting. Even if its just a little bit they will be. Like I said they only do OK in smaller groups of 3 at the most in large tanks.
Just go with something like a bristle tooth, Sailfin, Scopas, Or like aquaknight said....


Originally Posted by AquaKnight
Yo! A Matt B sighting! Wat up!
cafero, a passer angel is the one angel, that even I wouldn't bother to try in a reef setting (making note that if I could afford a Clarion, I wouldn't care if he ate corals, just replenish them). If you truly want a reef tank, the only option unfortunately is going to be to trade away the angel. If you perhaps want a tank with some corals here and there, then keep the angel and start trying some corals (very large softies, mushrooms, and SPS would be my recommendation). Distracting the angel with some live sponge isn't going to be enough (if he'll even eat the sponge), and neither is 'keeping him well fed.'
As for the title of this thread, by far and away, the 'best' tangs for reef tanks are those in the Naso
genus. Common-named Naso tangs, Vlamingii, Lopezi, etc. The problem is that this guys grow up to be massive, outgrowing even a 140gal.
What I would suggest, is sort of a 'secret fish.' You'll probably have to look to find him, but if you want another tang, I would recommend a Doctorfish, Acanthurus chirurgus
. They are far on the 'peaceful' side of Acanthurus tangs, they're fairly hardy, and can stand up for themselves. Plus, they don't look to shabby as adults.

Ill do some reserch and try and find this fish it sounds exactly for what im looking for.
And yes im going to just take the angel back and get it over with because he might be tolerable now but somehwere down the road it can get worse.
And i think im going to make my tank more on the reef side. Before all i did was Fish only tanks and maybe some polyps here and there but since ive gotten some Colts and a Flowerpot and my Kenya tree it just feels so much more rewarding in this hobby! i cant really imagen having just a fish tank now unless i get a 2nd one and ones reef and the others fish.
But Thank you for all these suggestions im going to go by my LFS in a couple days and see what they have but if dont find anything im going to prob order them off


I just bought my Kole tang and in the process of qt. I added copper to the qt. However, I just read that kole's can suffer from prolonged copper? Is this true and if so how long?


Originally Posted by Bang Guy
Just my opinion but I wouldn't recommend adding another Tang. Just be happy with the Yellow :)
Why not do you think there will be trouble adding a new tang with my yellow??
What else would u suggest on addding?

bang guy

Originally Posted by cafero702
Why not do you think there will be trouble adding a new tang with my yellow??
What else would u suggest on addding?
It's a 140 gallon tank so adding more fish that prefer having a lot of space may cause them unneeded stress.
What do you think of a Twin Streak Rabbitfish or a school of Blue-eyed Cardinalfish.


Originally Posted by Bang Guy
It's a 140 gallon tank so adding fish that prefer having a lot of space may cause them unneeded stress.
What do you think of a Twin Streak Rabbitfish or a school of Blue-eyed Cardinalfish.
I like rabbitfish yes. but instead of a school of cardinalfish what about a school of chrmois??
Is there a huge diffrence in care level between the 2 type of schools?

bang guy

Originally Posted by cafero702
I like rabbitfish yes. but instead of a school of cardinalfish what about a school of chrmois??
Is there a huge diffrence in care level between the 2 type of schools?
Be picky about the species of Chromis you choose but they can be a good choice also. I'd recommend Black-axel if you can find them.