Beth I know you can help me


Ok so I have had ick before and so have all my fish and they died. I have not added any fish for over 3 weeks, except the dalemation puffer and he is the one with the only signs of ick. He has had it for 2 and 1/2 weeks and still no signs of weakness. If i could catch him I would and put him in the qt tank and treat him. But i cant and I have a shrimp, long tenticle, mushroom and 65lbs of lr. PLEASE what can I do to cure him? I heard that it will stay on him forever without treatment. One wrasse and a damsel have survived the first wave that killed the others and they are still fine now. I need something that will stop the spots because I plan on getting a helican tusk and he is way to expensive to put in an ick tank. I hope to put a pick up in an hour or two after this post, thanks beth (i know that there is something).


Staff member
There is no absolutes except hypo or copper. NONE. All of the so-called reef safe meds are risky, and not reliable.
What size is your QT? QT is do-able. But, do you want to to go thru the trouble? All fish will need hypo. If you are willing, then I will respond with some advise. Tell me the size of your QT, and the size of all your fish.


The tank i had was a 10 gallon but I just took off the big filter and put in on my 46 gallon hex with a damsel in it and some play sand and rocks. he is about 3-5 inches. If he is not treated and never has any problems will he lose the ick for good or will he always have it?????


Staff member
What is a "long tentacle"
Can you please just list all your fish and their sizes. And then another list with all of your inverts including corals. Also, you have a hex that is 46gals and a 10gal QT, and that's it right?
I'm inclined to tell you to go with hypo in your main tank [all fish]. Place your LR in a rubbermaid with water and powerheads and the mushroom, shrimp, etc. in the QT. But, I want to know what long tentacle means. Also, what do you have to measure salinity?


the long tenticle is an anemne long tenticle. The main tank is a 85 gallon, the qt is a 46 gallon and the 10 gallon has nothing in it with no filtration or anything. The qt just has a filter and heater, the main has a protein skimmer, heater , powerhead, and wet/dry filter.
Lunar wrasse 3 inches
dogface puffer 4-5 inches
blue damsel 1-2inches
snowflake eel 6-8 inches
serpent starfish
chocolate starfish
coral banded shrimp
ricooda mushroom
10 blue hermit crabs
decorator crab
5 emerald crabs
long tenticle anemne
6-8 turbo snails


Staff member
Well, I think you know the answer.....all your fish must be treated. You have a large QT which is the good news. Now, you can either move your inverts and corals over to the QT as well as much LR as you can get over there and leave your fish in the main tank for treatment [any LR that does not fit in the QT will need to go into another container] OR visa versa. No solution is easy. With the type inverts, and volume, you have, I would move the fish over to the QT. I am assuming that the QT does not have reef lighting, which the anemone requires. Thus, you need to either find another home for the anemone so you can treat your fish in your display, or move the fish to the QT.
Yeah, I know you can't catch them....thus you will have to remove the LR out for the moment to catch the fish. This seems like a miserable task, but its not that bad. Just lay them on a clean shower curtain and spray them down with water from your tank every 5 mins [use a deadicated spray bottle]. Anything that has corals on it, will need to go for the moment in a deadicated container [the 10 gal]. Once the rock work is out, and you catch the fish, then you can return the Believe me, this whole process can be done in an hr if you plan carefully.
Also, the plastic hydromter is worthless I hate to tell should have a refractometer. You can get one pretty cheap on ----. Othewise, you need a high quality glass hydromter. Hopefully you haven't opened the package on the swingarm so you can return it.
The only other option is a reef safe med...I don't endorse them at all, and neither does Terry. They are not reliable.


OKAY(sounds like fun)Beth,
Here are my things that I might do because thanksgiving is coming up and I will be leaving to go home for 2 days.
1.) try to purchase a 18w emperor aquatics uv sterilizer from this guy in my area (problem: dont know much about uv and i know that this isnt going to make everything all right)
2.) listen to you and place everything in the hex and move the lights to the hex.(problem-much moving and hard on the fish)
1.)Will the ick come back if I do everything you tell me to in the main tank?( i know nothing is for sure)(when i return the lr)
2.)Can I place the anemne in the main tank after treatment with meds.?(do meds contain copper, to damage my tank for future reef)
3.) What meds do I get or what supplies do i need at the fish store before they close to treat the tank?
i am going to try and take the anemne back to the store for credit. i will try it tonight if you responed to this. I tryed to make this very organized and thank you for your help and response.


Staff member

Originally posted by Xtremenemo
OKAY(sounds like fun)Beth,
Here are my things that I might do because thanksgiving is coming up and I will be leaving to go home for 2 days.
1.) try to purchase a 18w emperor aquatics uv sterilizer from this guy in my area (problem: don’t know much about uv and i know that this isn’t going to make everything all right)
Did you read the post where I said that UVs and reefs aren't compatible. UVs work very well in FO. In the reef they indiscriminately kill off micro organism both bad and good. The good stuff is needed by your reef filter feeders, sand bed fauna, etc. Don't do it.
Two day away from a problem can spell disaster. But, what can you do.....
2.) listen to you and place everything in the hex and move the lights to the hex.(problem-much moving and hard on the fish)
Moving is going to be hard on the corals, inverts too. Is the hex cycled?
1.)Will the ick come back if I do everything you tell me to in the main tank?( i know nothing is for sure)(when i return the lr)
Any tank that remains fishless for a month should be pretty clear of all ich problems. The real problem will be will you do enough to ensure that you rid your fish of ich.
2.)Can I place the anemone in the main tank after treatment with meds.?(do meds contain copper, to damage my tank for future reef)
NO, absolutely not. You're only treatment choice in the display is hyposalinity. Returning inverts to a tank that has been recently treated with copper spells disaster. Cooper will ruin your substrate as well. If you are planning to do what I suggest, then spend your money on a refractometer [much cheaper than a UV] and do hypo.
3.) What meds do I get or what supplies do i need at the fish store before they close to treat the tank?
None, just get a refractometer. ----
i am going to try and take the anemone back to the store for credit. i will try it tonight if you respond to this. I tried to make this very organized and thank you for your help and response.
Good idea to take the anemone back.
Your welcome!


ok i hope you dont get mad at me but i got some cooper and i plan on taking all the inverts and live rock out of the tank and just leaving fish forever!!!! The anemne will be in the hex, i will use dead rock for the eel and others to hide. I am starting to move right now. I will do a fresh water dip once for the puffer but everyone has told me that without perfect water conditions he will continue to get ick. I have talked to 2 different people today about it and you and that seems to be the best answer. I will keep you posted if you care everyday and see if it works. I wont use the cooper in the tank till i get the okay from you. thanks for all your help. tell me anything you feel is wrong i dont mind the critzm. And i hope you dont think i am stupid but what is a refractometer?


Staff member
Copper will work if you get a good copper and a matching test kit. Seems a shame to me that you want to do this and ruin the tank you did have set up, but, its up to you.
FW dips will not work to cure ich.


i guess it wont work but if i cant get rid of the puffer I will have to do with the copper. I wanted a reef tank will be for the better.