Ok so I have had ick before and so have all my fish and they died. I have not added any fish for over 3 weeks, except the dalemation puffer and he is the one with the only signs of ick. He has had it for 2 and 1/2 weeks and still no signs of weakness. If i could catch him I would and put him in the qt tank and treat him. But i cant and I have a shrimp, long tenticle, mushroom and 65lbs of lr. PLEASE what can I do to cure him? I heard that it will stay on him forever without treatment. One wrasse and a damsel have survived the first wave that killed the others and they are still fine now. I need something that will stop the spots because I plan on getting a helican tusk and he is way to expensive to put in an ick tank. I hope to put a pick up in an hour or two after this post, thanks beth (i know that there is something).