better fish for me flame angel or coral beauty?


I have a 75 with 80lb lr and 60 lb ls. I have 3 types of mushrooms, watchman goby, 3 peppermint shrimps, and a coral banded shrimp.


Active Member
How long has your tank been up and running? You need an established tank with plenty of algae growth on lr for it to graze on. otherwise either one is fine IMO. The coral beauty tends to be less aggressive than the flame.


New Member
I have both in 1 tank :eek: However I got very lucky and would never recommend it. But as I watch both I'm probably overall happier with the Coral Beauty, the Flame Angels are stunners and great fish indeed but they are also a little bolder in temperment in my experience.
The Coral Beauty is a very relaxing fish to watch, basically a slow grazer, not in a hurry to do anything. If I had to choose one I'd go with the Coral Beauty.
I think both species are quite hardy but will go along with the CB's being the hardier of the two.


Active Member
If your tank has been up for a while(4-5 months ) with no problems, I would go with the coral beauty. Flames are great looking fish but are rumored to be caught with cyanide in many places because of their high demand. For this reason I stay away from them....Too many stories about 'sudden death syndrome". I've had 2 such experiences. never again. Good luck.


The flame angel has such beautiful color. Does anybody have any pics of their coral beaty? I am also going to have a maroon clown so i dont know if i want 2 fish with bold attitudes. The Coral beauty is much more mellow isnt it?


would there be a problem with a Flame Angel in a tank with...
-Red Firefish
-Royal Gramma
-Scooter Blenny
-Tomato Clown


just did a search...
no one ever answered me. haha. no biggy, I know I can keep either one with the fish I have.
now I'm at the same point...which one to go with.
I like the color of the flame better, but I have a chance at getting a coral beauty from a local reefer - got a pic - and she says the fish has been in great condition for 2 months since she had him. Plus, I'll already know that the CB wont nip at corals.
decisions decisions-->
eclipes12- that is perfect amount of rock for both angels they like lots of rockwork but i agree with bang you should go with what you like better because that setup is good for both the coral beauty and the flame and they should have no problem living.
toddpolish-i agree flame angels have better colors than coral beautys but getting a coral beauty you dont need as big of a tank as a flame will need, i have read that flames need minimum 100 gal and coral beautys need minimum 50 gal or sometimes they will get stressed out and die. So if i were you i would follow what size tank they need to live happily.
also there shouldnt be a problem with that setup of fish but as some tamato clowns grow up they can get pretty aggresive and may kill other tank mates