big fish??


what would be a good bright colored reefsafe fish for my 44 gal cause im gettin rid of my yellow tang soon and i want something as bright as it

r's 75tank

New Member
We have a Foxface Rabbitfish and we love him. He has a great personality, very colorful, changes color when scared, eating, sleeping.... Not sure if 44g is too small when full size...we have a 75g
Look him up under tangs
Don't know if that helps?


Active Member
Also, this is not a 44 rectangular tank, it is a 44 hex I think....which really changes it up. For one, it eliminates many larger fish from consideration. In time, the GS maroon clown will probably dominate and take over the tank.


sixline wrasse would be a good addition, they are very colorful and extremely active. They are always swimming through the rocks and excellent at removing bristle worms.


ok my stocklist that i am going to have is..
sixline wrasse
yellow tailed damsel
GS maroon clown
royal gramma
(and i wanted some big fish that u can see from far away i dont like the foxface and the flame angel is out of my budget i am looking most 30$) would a lemonpeel angel work?)


Active Member
sixline wrasse
yellow tailed damsel
GS maroon clown
royal gramma
Those fish will max out stocking options on your tank. As Ophiura said, that GS Maroon Clown is going to dominate all, in such a small tank. If you're keeping the GS Maroon, I'd cut my fish list down to just one other fish.


New Member

Originally Posted by reefiness
coral beauty is usually only 20 and its the same size as flame
Coral beautys are reall nice but can be a bit skidish at time at first have fun!


Active Member
Originally Posted by shista
ok my stocklist that i am going to have is..
sixline wrasse
yellow tailed damsel
GS maroon clown
royal gramma
(and i wanted some big fish that u can see from far away i dont like the foxface and the flame angel is out of my budget i am looking most 30$) would a lemonpeel angel work?)
Shista, glad to seem you are coming around... still, however, you're going to have ot give up the "big fish in a small tank" idea. It just won't work.