my son just turned a year old.............just one peice of advice take evrything you own that can be broken or fit into a mouth and put it up very high!
Let us all know when you need our addresses, so you can mail everyone on the board a cigar......
I can only give one piece of advice, since I'm not a Dad ( that I'm aware of anyway)......Read the "people over 35 should be dead" thread..................
Originally posted by belothsurf
I can only give one piece of advice, since I'm not a Dad ( that I'm aware of anyway)......Read the "people over 35 should be dead" thread..................
good advise belothsurf
congrats bradttu :cheer: my oldest daughter is turning 18 on saturday, what a wild ride
Originally posted by bradttu
If you all are serious, email me your address and I WILL mail you a cigar. I'm not kidding either!
Will it be a Cuban Cohiba?
Originally posted by bradttu
If you all are serious, email me your address and I WILL mail you a cigar. I'm not kidding either!
No,'ve got "Gonna be a new daddy syndrome" right now. I was just kidding with you. Wait till you get the hospital bill, and you see how much it costs to deliver a baby.....of course if you have good insurance....:notsure: ....nooooo,....once you've bought a couple of months worth of diapers and baby'll be emailing us wanting the cost of the cigar back.....
belo - I would think that my insurance is pretty good since I work for the state of Texas. I guess I'll soon find out. I hope I won't have to rob a bank to pay for it!
coxy - Oh yeah, I want to know so we can prepare a room for it. We're hoping for a girl.