Big Personality!!!!

Hello, I am new to this site and reefing. I have a month old 6 gallon nano-reef that has completed it's cycle. Since I can only have one fish in my tank I would like it to have BIG personality but I don't want anything that will harm the other tank inhabitants: 3 Sexy shrimp, about a half dozen snalls and Hermit crabs a Pom Pom crab, Fether Duster, Green Star Polyp and Botton Polyps. If anyone can give me a few fish to fit the bill I would be greatfull. :)


lawnmower blenny would be cool. Mine has an awsome personality.


I have a midas blenny that is FULL of personality! He reminds me more of a dog than a fish!! I also have ocellaris clowns which are pretty comical as well. But the blenny takes the cake!!

bang guy

6 gallon... hmmmm The on;y fish I can think of would be:
Barnacle Blenny
Neon Goby
Clown Goby
The Barnacle Blenny would probably have the best personallity.


Active Member
yeah, i agree with what was already said. lawnmower blennies are GREAT fish for personality (mine is just the coolest, sometimes he will swim up and sit in the palm of my hand, and i never trained him to do that) BUT, i don't know if i would get him if that were the only fish in the tank. they are not a colorful fish. i think i'd go with some other kind of blenny, like the midas mentioned or maybe the bi color. hawkfish would be ok, but won't they sometimes eat smaller inverts? clowns are also a great choice, colorful and well loved by everyone. if i were you, my choice would be between a clown or a colorful variety of blenny.


My midas blenny is quite colorful... and according to my marine fish species book it is considered to be one of the hardiest blennies as well as an excellent inhabitant for a reef system.
Do I sound a bit biased? Hehehehe!!


Active Member
I second Bang Guy on the Barnacle Blenny. I saw one in a LFS a few weeks back, and decided that fish will be in my tank one day; lots of character.


everyone who sees my tank loves my bicolor blenny, and he keeps the back of my tank clean (except for little tiny blenny mouth prints:D ) great fish, way more personality than my ocellaris