:help: 40 gal tank : I tested my waters 2 days ago (have aquarum pham master test) they were all fine my nitrates always seem to run high on this test, I then did a 5gal water change because it was almost due & I was getting new fish that I ordered in a couple of days and I thought it would be less stressful on the new fish. I TESTED TRATES TODAY: OVER 40ppm!!!! my snails dont look their best but I did turn the lights on early (maybe "sleeping") cant find emerald crab (was alive last night). ANYWAY MY BIG PROBLEM IS I JUST RECIEVED MY FISH!!!!! WHAT SHOULD I DOOOOOOO!!!!!
I was thinking of taking my water to my lfs to double check . but if it is high should I do another water change before adding new fish, cleaner shrimp, snails, crabs, brittle? & change filter I do have a phosphate filter I can use???. Add something to the tank to reduce if high? Or just slowly acclimate????? HELP PRETTY PLEASE WITH SUGAR!!!!!
I was thinking of taking my water to my lfs to double check . but if it is high should I do another water change before adding new fish, cleaner shrimp, snails, crabs, brittle? & change filter I do have a phosphate filter I can use???. Add something to the tank to reduce if high? Or just slowly acclimate????? HELP PRETTY PLEASE WITH SUGAR!!!!!