Big Problem Pleeeease Help!!!!!!!


:help: 40 gal tank : I tested my waters 2 days ago (have aquarum pham master test) they were all fine my nitrates always seem to run high on this test, I then did a 5gal water change because it was almost due & I was getting new fish that I ordered in a couple of days and I thought it would be less stressful on the new fish. I TESTED TRATES TODAY: OVER 40ppm!!!! my snails dont look their best but I did turn the lights on early (maybe "sleeping") cant find emerald crab (was alive last night). ANYWAY MY BIG PROBLEM IS I JUST RECIEVED MY FISH!!!!! WHAT SHOULD I DOOOOOOO!!!!!
I was thinking of taking my water to my lfs to double check . but if it is high should I do another water change before adding new fish, cleaner shrimp, snails, crabs, brittle? & change filter I do have a phosphate filter I can use???. Add something to the tank to reduce if high? Or just slowly acclimate????? HELP PRETTY PLEASE WITH SUGAR!!!!!


Active Member
Do a 15% water change daily until you receive your new livesock. Test water parameters before each water change.


I'd make water and put the new live stock into a couple of 5 gallon buckets. They should be ok in there until you can get the water levels back down to normal. I'd do a 20% water change and test right after that.


Active Member
Water change, then water test like suggested by jdragunas. Maybe one larger water change like 20% though.


I just got back from my lfs & they use the same test (aqu pharm) & my nitrates were 0-maybe 5 THIS IS HOW OFF MY TEST IS I TESTED & IT SHOWED 80ppm but it always shows 20-40ppm so I figured It must have been high for real. Every other test in the kit is normal & I double checked with the lfs on those too. I'm sooo sorry for bothering you but I about had a heart attack & to get new fish... well you probably understand.
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
Using the Aquarium Pharmeceuticals Test Kit did you shake the #2 Nitrate test bottle rigorously for 1 minute as instructed? then did you shake the test tube for the same amount of time as well? Those are two VERY important steps when testing trates using that specific test kit.


Active Member
Just want to add this comment, when Nitrates are up, you should do a 25% water change and siphon your substrate at the sametime weekly. Plus protein skimmer and live rock will help to cut down on your nitrate. Good thing you take your water to the LFS to check though, better get a different test kit. Good luck with your new inhabitants! :happyfish


I agree with KDFrosty on the exact instructions of that test kit. I use a digital clock that counts off seconds when I do the test as this is VERY important to follow the directions exactly, shaking the tube the whole time and reading the results at the exact moment the test is complete - the color will continue to change so you have to be precise.


My test kit says 30 secs & yes I did shake it for 30 secs & the tube 1 min once #2 was added I even re-re-read the instructions incase I missed something & like I said I always get a high reading.


Active Member
Went through something somewhat similar just recently
When it comes to nitrates a couple of different brands for testing should be used IMO to verify results. When in doubt buy a fresh kit as far as Aquarium Pharms. For just nitrates it should only run ten bucks max depending on the kit or use the much recommended saliferts, which I have yet to do myself.