Big Tanks!


I would love to see any BIG TANKS that people have. Tanks over like 350 gallons or in the general area, 330's if they are good shots or just real interesting. I saw someone (Bang-Guy) has a 900 gallon lagoon. Anything like that would be wonderfull as well.


Active Member
If only I was smart enough to hook all of that up.

My neighbor builds houses, so maybe eventually, but i'd never be able to set all that up, just don't have the plumbing know-how. So it'd be big, and dirty.
great tank.


Active Member
Hey steve what kind of pumps do you use in your system. What do you do when you want to clean the pumps or change media, how do you stop the reactors and pipes from leaking back since I didn't notice any ball valves at the return pumps.


I only use ball valves where they are absolutely necessary since they too need to be kept free from build ups if they are going to work properly. The only pumps that have ball valves are my closed loop pumps (the ball valves are not visible in the pics). The remaining pumps (which pull from the sump) can be serviced two ways......1) I can unplug the pump needing service, reach into the sump and screw a pvc plug into the threaded bulkhead, and then remove the pump.....or what I do most often 2) I wait until water change time (once a month) where the sump gets completely drained and cleaned out. I keep spare pumps that are exchanged for the fouled pumps at this time.....I then clean/rebuild the fouled pump which will replace another fouled pump in the future. All reactors do have ball valves to enable removal of the equipment without turning off the main tank pumps.
Al my pumps are sequence 1000 series.


:eek: It is my dream to own such a beautiful tank and have it look as professional as that!!! Just out of curiosity how much does something like that cost?


Active Member
It is my dream to HAVE the thousands of dollars that it would cost to have this tank, and the house to support it as well. Not to mention the brains...:D