Big Tanks!


awsome tank. got any more pics? and how do you clean that thing? you mix your own water how much at a time?


That tank is by far the best one I have ever seen. Are you eventually going to do another one.( Maybe even bigger.) Also I hate to be nosey but how much money have you put into that tank. And like magic carp asked, is the web site up yet?:happyfish :) :happyfish


New Member

Originally posted by Unknown
A bit futher back

That picture is awesome!
How does one go about having an aquarium put into their wall?
That's just phenominal


I really don't want to hijack this thread just for my tank...but, to answer a couple of the questions out there....
1) the website will launch soon. The web designer is uploading the photos and text to the site this week....then, I just need to proof everything.
2) electric...about $350/month
3) total system cost...unknown..but, about 25K since I did all the work myself.
4) cleaning the tank is easier than most conventional tanks since I can access every inch of the tank by hand without fighting a stand or light hood. This is all made possible by the sliding light hood pictured below....


Active Member
$350 electric for the whole house? Or for just the tank?
Either way, feel free to hijack the thread for your tank, it's one of the most impressive big tanks out there. It's not a big tank with a few rocks and a big shark (which I would also like, not to bad-mouth those tanks), but it is a huge functioning reef. That's what impresses me the most, the amount of gorgeous corals and rocks, and the maintenance it must take to maintain those.


I started this thread and FEEL FREE! I do want to see others like that 720 shark I saw in another thread. The person with the 720 said he is going to build a 9500g, want pics of that for sure. Pleace use this thread to post the website and future pics of that huge reef.


Hey steve, what room is it that your display shows into? I'm about to start my masters for architecture and am very confident that I will work aquariums, ponds, and water features into many of my designs so when I see nicely thought out setups such as yours, I like to know some of the reasoning behind them. I see there are doors on either side of the tank so that also is curious to me. Having two doors out of your garage into your house could be interesting. If I am being to nosey tell me to buzz off. :thinking:


nd.... the tank's viewing panel looks into a den that we use as a reading room....just a table and a couple of comfy chairs. There are two doors in my garage....the one on the right enters the house via a laundry room....the one on the left goes to the backyard. If you look closely, you'll notice that above this door is a pwoerful attic fan that evacuates the humidity from the garage to the outside.
Zane.... I'm not sure which pump that you're talking about....but, if I were to unplug both return pumps (the only pumps that take water from the sump to the tank), the total water that will back flow to the sump can be contained in the sump. If you look at the sump pic, you'll notice a horizontal black line on the right side of the sump that denotes the max fill line to avoid overflowing the sump.....but, even if I were to overfill the sump, there is an overflow drain that prevents any floods. When I do a water change, I turn off the two return pumps and allow the sump to fill....I then empty the sump and half my refugium (which equals 165 gals)...I then sponge clean the sump and refill. The main tank is undisturbed since the closed loop pumps still run. The water in the main tank only drops 1/2" when the return pumps are turned off.


How often do you do the water changes? Also approx. how many fish, inverts and live corals do you have in the tank? Oh yeah, how much sand, ls, lr do you have in there?


Water change....165gals once a month or so
# rock.........about 1200#
Number of fish......40
Number of corals/inverts.....too hard to count corals....about 20 inverts of anemones and shrimps
Sand......this is really set up along the lines of a bare-bottom system and only uses sand to lightly cover the bottom. This is then vacuumed at least twice a week....I'd say,at most, there are 30lbs of sand in the whole tank.


Active Member
Ok steve time to confess, so how many times have you fallen into the tank while vacuuming the center of the tank.
I finally get the return pump thing, I forgot about letting it drain back before plugging the intake pipe to remove for cleaning/replacement.


The tank is great, but lets not forget all the plumbing at stuff. That is a fabulous setup, everything is set up so nice and clean, even the part of your setup that is not supposed to be viewed is show quality. Nice job you really thought through the entire setup of your tank.