BIGGEST xenia thread


Active Member
i want to start the biggest xenia thread to learn more about this wonderful coral. add pics of ur thriving xenia, but dont forget to mention ur lighting, size of tank, and any chemicals u add to it. thanks and have fun! :joy:


Here's some of mine. Started with one 1.5 inch frag. Tank is a 55 gallon with JBJ PC lights, one actinic and one daylight bulb. I add iodine about once a week during water changes. These corals outgrow anything else in the tank by far.


Active Member
Here's my anthelia. All those little tiny ones are new. Just got this in May. I do not dose anything that affects their growth.
36 gallon bow, 2x65 watts PC + moonlites.


Active Member
This stuff is going crazy in my tank. I does b-ionic and have 400w mh/2x75w actinic vho over a 58g.


Active Member

Originally posted by Bang Guy
VHO - 160watt X 6
155 bowfront
I add limewater and nothing else

what type of pumping xenia is that?


Active Member
what a good start to the biggest xenia thread. can i purchase limewater at my LFS or is it just lime mixed with water? :notsure: well anyway, all those pics are looking awesome, after i get my lighting ill have about 4.5 PC watts per gallon. looking good!


Active Member
when u trim xenia, do u just use scissors and cut off the little head things and throw them out?

bang guy


Originally posted by MarksMagic
why is bang allowed to post links to his site?

I've removed the link to make you happy.


Active Member
thanks MarksMagic. is the limewater labeled that on the bottle or kalkwassar. thanks a bunch


Active Member
hmm.. im not sure if that pickling lime info is true or not. but id rather go to the fish store :)



Originally posted by wocka
when u trim xenia, do u just use scissors and cut off the little head things and throw them out?

I don't think thats what he meant. He probably fragged the entire colony and removed the "trimmed" pieces or frags and gave them to fellow reefers or to the lfs for credit. If you trim individual heads as you suggested they would simply grow back. You need to cut and remove part of the base or trunk to really thin this stuff, and even then the base will grow again, just takes a little longer.

Please respect the natural environment that makes this hobby possible. Be responsible and be informed. Support aquacultured/tank raised species.


Active Member
ok. so its like a tree. one big stalk and and branches coming off, if i just cut the branches of that would make it less bushier. then when it grows back do it again. is that a good way?


Active Member
thats pretty cool. i might try doing that to my xenia when it gets big and healthy, do i cut it down the middle or cut the stalk off