Bill109's 3 gal pico..


Active Member
Originally Posted by nissan577
hey man its coming along super great!
thanks nissan577
i just placed my order for a dual satelite and a heater.
i also just traded my new hk4 for a new aquaclear 70!
so were in business. i will have everythin and will be ready to add some corals within the next week.
i gotta test again tonight to see if im ready to add some more stuff.
my ammonia was sky high but everything els was low to almost 0.
so i think im almost done with the mini cycle.
i will keep everyone posted!


Active Member
tank started on april 10, 2009
testing today,
Ammonia- .2 very close to 0
Trites- 0
tested 2 days ago and my ammonia was through the roof at almost .8.
so today, i am doing a WC and then i am ready for some livestock!


Active Member

i put the AC 70 on there without any media in there but just the basket and it blem mt pico to pieces.. sand was everywhere and i had to turn it off after 30 min..
any suggestions on what to do?
i need to limit the flow a whole lot. i even moved the intake nozzle over a little.


Active Member
Having a sandstorm issue.....

I know what you mean, the AC is just to big for a 3 gal but you can control the flow on them at the top where the stem is, do you know what I mean??
I am using the little mini filter, I believe I see it on the end of your tank and I right??
I have this one on full flow and its perfect for my 3 gal, my rics do not like hard blasting water and its just perfect.
Let me know if this is the same filter you have??


Active Member
Originally Posted by Debbie
Having a sandstorm issue.....

I know what you mean, the AC is just to big for a 3 gal but you can control the flow on them at the top where the stem is, do you know what I mean??
I am using the little mini filter, I believe I see it on the end of your tank and I right??
I have this one on full flow and its perfect for my 3 gal, my rics do not like hard blasting water and its just perfect.
Let me know if this is the same filter you have??

i did 3 mods to my ac 70 today..
the intake where the fin is, i clipped that off and clipped the propeller on the pump.
now the intake is all the way to the right, so its almost off the hole above the pump.
lastly, i cut some filter floss the same size as the side panel on the basket and put it against the inside wall of the basket and the flo is perfect now!
there is a good surface brake for o2, and the water is moving enough for corals and there are very lttle dead spots.
now, for the filter.
on the back i have the AC70 and on the left i have the jbj picotope filter. i will take the little filter off then the new filter gets some benificial bacteria in it so its not like starting a new tank..
i wish i could post a link, but google search el fabs simple guide to picotopes and there is ALOT of helpful info there along with some inspiration.



Active Member
Sounds like things are coming along for you, that is great.....

Say, what are you plans for corals and livestock in there??


Tank looks good...just read this whole thread...LOL...big filter for such a little tank...what was wrong with the one that came with it??


Active Member
thanks for looking everyone!
the filter issue.. it barely moves the water enough to break the surface.
with the new ac70, i can put my heater in there to hide it since its such a small tank, and i can make a fuge. and the filter now makes the flow perfect. tonoght, i am going to add a frag of gsp and tomorrow some new zoas from the lfs!
i will update soon


Active Member
Hey Bill, do you have that filter it came with open all the way??
I turned mine all the way and it creates a small ripple on the water surface. But if the AC is working for you then go with that.
You will have to update us with pictures you know as this process goes along.....



Active Member
Originally Posted by Debbie
Hey Bill, do you have that filter it came with open all the way??
I turned mine all the way and it creates a small ripple on the water surface. But if the AC is working for you then go with that.
You will have to update us with pictures you know as this process goes along.....

i will keep everyone up to date on this bad boy.
this little tank will be a beast.
tonight, i put frags from my DT in my pico. things like gsp, metalic striped, and red shrooms in there and some crappy zoas's..
nothing opened and the shrooms in the pico are hating the light. im not sure why, but i will run some tests tonight or tomorrow if they do not open and see whats going on.
hopefully tomorrow i will go to the lfs and pick up some zoas, they have nano zoa frags for 25 a piece. and buy 3 get one free.
so maybe ill pick some up. i was eyeing some eagle eyes in there..
i wont have my memory card for my cam untill monday. well lets hope. i lent it out and i hope to see it on monday..

depending on how bored i am maybe ill deleate some pics off a diff. SD card a take some pics tomorrow of the frags in there.
thanks for all the interest everyone.
i will keep you posted!


Active Member
added today- eagle eyes with some very bright colors, pink zoas,
and tomorrow,
maybe ill take a piece of trumpets, and possible a kenya.
does anybody know how to frag these 2 type of corals:
1) frogspawn.. totally clueless on how to do this.
2) i have zoas that are on a flat rock. is there any way to take a few of them off?
pics to come tomorrow night for sure!


Active Member
did some fragging and alot of screwing things up.
eveyrything is in the tank and im almost out of room for corals =(
not good, but so far i fragged a frogspawn, 5 differnent colorations of zoas, 2 shrooms candy cane and a trumpet and loastly gsp.
i will get pics for every one still looking on the 21st about late afternoon...


Originally Posted by bill109
did some fragging and alot of screwing things up.
eveyrything is in the tank and im almost out of room for corals =(
not good, but so far i fragged a frogspawn, 5 differnent colorations of zoas, 2 shrooms candy cane and a trumpet and loastly gsp.
i will get pics for every one still looking on the 21st about late afternoon...


Active Member
everything in this pico was fragged from my DT..
now let me make it clear, i have never fragged anything untill a couple of days ago when it bugged me enough that i had one tank that had huge corals and one tank tht was bare!
let me know what you think..