Bio-cube 29 Gal. HQI Diary


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bodeybb http:///forum/thread/382954/bio-cube-29-gal-hqi-diary#post_3352112
I understand that you replaced the mangrove with the chaeto in your second chamber. But, what do you have in chamber #1 and #3. Bag of absorbent material? If so, what and why? I have a mini protein skimmer in chamber #1 and it seems to be working great but i don't really have much in the tank yet. In the third chamber I have the UV sterilizer connected. It has been off since i put the LR and LS in. I want the tank to cycle properly and having it on would make the tank cycle slower. I think it should be on only a minimal amount of time anyways.
it was along time ago. if i remember correctly. what i did was remove the false floor and the sponge and place the chaeto there. i also use one of spanko idea and place an egg crate on top of the second chamber were the water flows from chamber 1 to chamber 2. in the 1st chamber i place the purigen and were the sponge was in chamber 3 i put chemipure.
let me know if you need help :)


New Member
Thanks for the replies Nissan and Spanko.
I am only one week into the tank cycling. The ammonia spiked only a little bit and now is down to 0, PH has been on target and Nitrates have been 0. So, I don't know if my tank has or has not cycled. I have been slowly adding time to the timer for the lights and i am currently up to 8 hours a day. The temp has been 75 degrees. I am waiting for a heater I bought to come in. I think I need the temp to be around 78 degrees. With the (2) K1's the water movement is great, I have one on a timer and one that is on constantly. I have not found any dead spots of water movement. The glass on top seems to always have condensation on it. It might affect the light hitting the bottom of the tank if I don't keep on top of it. I realize that all I have to do is to wipe it down everyday, but I might make something else so that it is easier. I am still looking for a good moonlight and hopefully i will be able to purchase some CUC in another two weeks.


New Member
Time for an upgrade, I think.
I have been using distilled water to top off my tank and for water changes but, it may be time for an upgrade to a RO filter. I am not looking for anything huge. I only have a 29 gal tank. Just something that will get the job done. Any suggestions?
Tank update: The evil brown sand has started to develop in the tank.
If I remember correctly, this will happen with a new tank. I have been testing the water everyday and everything seems to be okay. I just did a water change today (15%). I think this stage will pass as the tank cycle.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bodeybb http:///forum/thread/382954/bio-cube-29-gal-hqi-diary/20#post_3353716
Time for an upgrade, I think.
I have been using distilled water to top off my tank and for water changes but, it may be time for an upgrade to a RO filter. I am not looking for anything huge. I only have a 29 gal tank. Just something that will get the job done. Any suggestions?
Tank update: The evil brown sand has started to develop in the tank.
If I remember correctly, this will happen with a new tank. I have been testing the water everyday and everything seems to be okay. I just did a water change today (15%). I think this stage will pass as the tank cycle.
the algae bloom? oh everyone goes through those lol
If you have a clear back which I assume you do, I would attach a light to the back and add chaeto. Chaeto does wonders for my 28g reef.


New Member
Tank Update: I have air bubbles coming up from the sand bed. This seems to be a good sign that the tank is cycling.
PH:8.3 KH:300 NITRITE: 0 NITRATE: 5 tonight, I am going to wait on a water change because I did one yesterday. I want/hope to see the tank correct itself. I don't want to slow down the cycling by doing another water change.