

Active Member
I am combining my 55-FO and 55-Reef tanks into a 125-Reef. I have given away some fish and a couple star fish but wanted to keep the following.
1- LH Cowfish
1- Yellow Tang
2- Tomato Clowns
1- Six Line Wrasse
1- Scooter Blinny
1- Lawnmower Blinny :D
1- Copperband
1- Blue Damsel
On top of the fish I have 2- Peppermints, 1- coralbanded shrimp and of course the corals, snails & hermits.
There will be no bio-filtration, ??# of LR, 2-3" LS, Sump & 10g refug.
Is this bio-load ok for a 125?


New Member
About the butterfly....
How long have you had him? And I assume you got him from
Do you know if he was net caught or cyanide caught? Finally, was he in your reef, and if so, did you encounter any problems with your corals?
Sorry to be a pest with the questions - I am very interested in purchasing one, but have heard mixed reviews on both their ability to acclimate (i.e. within a few weeks they die supposedly bc of the delayed reaction to cyanide) and whether they are reef safe.

bang guy


Originally posted by antpal01
Do you know if he was net caught or cyanide caught?

Welcome Anthony!

Very few fish are caught by cynanide these days. It's not over, but we're winning the war against that one.
Butterflys are notoriously difficult to feed and keep by the average hobbiest. I always recommend against keeping them. Some hobbiests are successful but only a few.