Black Clown



I got two clowns about 4 months ago. One black and white and false perc. I introduced the false first, then the black about a week after.
Everything was well until about last week. The black clown has gotten very aggressive towards the false perc. Is this normal w/ black clowns?
Both were the same size when i got them, the black is now larger than the false perc.


New Member
Funny I did the same. Not suppose to mix clown fish. I need to seperate them soon before my false get killed!! You should do the same.

bang guy

There are a few different Clown species that can be Black & White. If yours is an Ocellaris then you're all set... they are setting up a hierarchy and the B&W is becoming a female. If it's a different specie then it's not going to live much longer.



Originally posted by Bang Guy
If it's a different specie then it's not going to live much longer.

When you say "it", do you mean the false perc.
i dont know if it helps any, but its the black and white clown with the bit of orange below their mouth.

bang guy

Yes, the orange Perc ;)
If you have some orange near the mouth then it's probably either Ocellaris or Percula. If you can count the spines on the dorsal fin then we'll know what it is. They don't like to sit still even when sleeping so that's not easy without a closeup picture of it.