black light??


New Member
I found a black light, and i was wondering if it would hurt my Corals or fish if i just ran it at night?? i have a 125 gal saltwater if that makes any difference.


Active Member
I have heard, and this is purely hearsay here, that long-term exposure to blacklights isn't good, because of the near-UV spectrum involved.
This is why you see 'moonlights'. They achieve almost the same effect, but are good for the corals long-term, unlike blacklight.


black lights don't work on tanks they don't make any glow in water get some moon lights they'll get that glowing effect u want


Active Member
I think Banguy did a lil study on black light effects. If I remember right the results were detrimental to corals. Was it a frogspawn in the test Bang? I cant recall exactly. Don't use it though. Get moonlights or run actinics for an extended light cycle, then moonlights at night.

bang guy

I don't think black lights harm anything.
It will make the water look cloudy. Something in saltwater fluoresces. Shine it on your salt mix and you'll see what I mean. It's not attractive to have cloudy water.
They will make fluorescing corals look like they have batteries! Even coralline glows brightly. You won't like the murky water though IMO.


Active Member
What we call Actinics are: in nm light spectrum 420nm actinic 460nm actinic
What we call Black Lights: in nm light spectrum 400nm black light.