Black Tip Reef Shark


Active Member
bamboos and horns can NOT LIVE TOGETHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!but cool tank with the black tip


Active Member
Wow...this is an old thread. I've seen pics of this guys tank numerous time, but havent heard anything about him quite a long time. I wonder what he's done with the Black Tip once it outgrew his tank.
Originally Posted by jr2857
bamboos and horns can NOT LIVE TOGETHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!but cool tank with the black tip
Horns and Bamboos can most definately live together. They're both a non to semi aggressive species, that about both bottom dwellers and eat basically the same types of food. Give the right size tank, they'd have no problems being together.


jr2857: Digging up a 3 yr old thread to vent your opinion? How funny.

The tank and the sharks are all doing well guys.:) The black tip, horn, and bamboo are all thriving!
The food bill (sharks and kids) is definitely going up around this place! All three of the sharks are plenty fat! Amazingly enough, the horn and the bamboo are catching up to the black tip. In fact, the bamboo has passed the BT in terms of length. The horn is noticeably bigger too...considering they grow so slowly.
As you all may know, black tips grow at a very slow rate. The shark is still "relatively" small, and doing great in the tank. There are some fairly recent pics of the tank/sharks up on my web page if anyone is interested in checking them out.
In other news...I'm looking at building a new home in the coming year, and of course there are plans for a much bigger tank. Anyone interested in a CO home with a 1700 gal tank? lol


Active Member
Wow...I've followed links to your pictures from other websites, all over the internet and have never seen you post.
It's good to actually know you're still alive and kicking.

Have you spoken to Mattie, lately? If so, let him know that AW2EOD has been looking for him. ..he'll know who you're talking about. I know he's been busy with the new baby.


Active Member
Wow novice : I thought the only sharks worth seeing here in denver were at ocean journey. But I was wrong . Nice :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by jr2857
6ft. usually less

Actually, they'll max out at 7.5' - 8'.


Active Member
I have a few questions...
1) When the shark gets that size are you it to someone etc.
2)when they get that big will they reach that size in captivity?
3)How Long does it take for it to reach that big in captivity?
4)If it takes like 10 years and you can't upgrade...I'm 14...and if I had a shark tank then I would be honored.
Seriously THough, awesome tank, it's my dream to have either a great white or a hammerhead :thinking: . JK Awesome tank