blue chromises


I had 5 blue chromises that school. For some reason unknown, one of them died. Which left me with 4. 3 of the chromises began harrassing the 1 and he began hiding in the rock work. I kept a eye on him, he was doing ok, he hung around the yellow tang. Except one day he disappeared. Have not seen him for weeks. Thought he died.. Until today he came out. He looks good. But what is going on and what should I do?
This can not be healthy for him.. He doesn't even eat flake food.. or come out when i feed the tank. I have seen him pick algae off the glass. Though not often.


well i'm no expert but i heard it's best to keep chromis in groups or schools of odd numbers. maybe the others just wanted it to be like that so they kicked one out. did u purchase ur chromis together or separate cuz i want to try the schooling technique but i bought one before so i dont know if i buy 2 more it's gonna work.


I bought the tank already establish with the cromis. They are suppose to be social fish that will help other fish come out of hiding. And are not afraid of humans. They will come to the top of the tank and eat from your hand. Atleast mine do. I do beleive that you should buy them together. Your chromis may not school. He may do what mine is doing and hide. You might want to trade your fish in and buy 3.


Active Member
I had two chromis and I personally did not think they were as docile as everyone says they are. One of mine was a terrible bully.

bang guy

Chromis have an interesting hierarchy consisting of a Male at the top followed by two females followed by ungendered juveniles.
They must fight to maintain their place in the hierarchy. If you have a single juvenile then both females are going to pick on it to make sure they do not have to give up their place.


I traded two of my tangs in and kept one because they were to large for the tank and they were becoming to dominate. Now that I done that, It does seems like the chromises are beganing to run the tank. Even the tang doesn't mess with them and He is huge compared to the chromis. I agree..