Blue Hippo Tang losing color


He has always been in the 44 FOWLR tank which I am going to make my QT tank. Haven't seen Ick in there since he had it a year or so ago. There were only 3 damels in there with him. I now have him in my 20 nano. Been in there for a week now.


Originally Posted by nolatrav
He has always been in the 44 FOWLR tank which I am going to make my QT tank. Haven't seen Ick in there since he had it a year or so ago. There were only 3 damels in there with him. I now have him in my 20 nano. Been in there for a week now.
Who is in the 20????


Acclimate that boy into the 72. Do it tommorow, at least a 2-3hr drip acclimation. Make the move as stress free as possible. Leave the lights off tommorow. He will likely hide. Be sure to slowly drip acclimate him. Do you know how to do that?


I was researching that hawkfish and found this on another site. I think he is a spotted hawkfish.
This is a Falco

This is a Spotted

And this is mine


FWIW, my Hawk (meanest fish ever!) was sold as a Pixie, which I believe is another common name for the Spotted, and looks like yours, nolatrav


Well, i dripped acclimated him into my 72 last night while the lights were out. He seems to have acclimated really well. He is already active and swimming in the open. Looks alot more comfortable. Surprisingly none of the other fish even seem to notice he his there, and that's a big relief. I was really afraid the Scopas Tang being bigger and established wouldn't like another Tang in his territory, but he seems to be fine with it. Guess cause their not the same shape. The lion was curious last night, hovering over him, I guess to see if he could swallow him. But today the lion is just sitting in his cave. I made sure to feed him a big meal of krill last night so maybe he wouldn't be hungry enough to try
. Well I'll keep ya'll updated as to his color and hopefully he wont break out in ick. Like I said he seems pretty happy, hope it stays that way till the 210 is established.
Thanks for your help peeps. Especially sepulation.

:happyfish :happyfish :happyfish


Active Member
Hey I know you've found your answer but I thought I'd throw in that Sep's advice and your subsequent move to the 72 is probably just what he needed. My hippo did exactly what yours was doing, and it turned out to be overcrowding, IMO same as the tank being too small. I removed some fish and now have only 3 fish in the system and his recovery has been remarkable.


Yeah, I figured it was either stress or diet. And he's been eating. My chromis spawned in his 44 gal. about the same time he started losing color so I thought maybe he was stressing cause they had picked on him a little protecting their babies. I moved him to a 20 gal. thinking it MIGHT relieve stress but it didnt and he became noticably worse over the course of a week. So now I moved him to the 72 and he seems to fit in perfect. Would've moved him there in the 1st place but wasn't sure about the lionfish, scopas tang, and hawkfish. Hopefully all will stay well and he'll get his color back.
Thanks for your input.


I hope he does well in the 72. How long until the 210 is ready? BTW, you are correct, your hawk is indeed a spotted and not a Falco. My mistake. He looked like a Falco to me in the first picture.


I figure it'll be 2-3 months. I was hoping to have it up by May but I've been straped for $$. Its taken me longer to get all my equipment together. I will still need to get some high-end lighting but figure NO flourescents will do fine for FOWLR in the meantime. I've kinda put in a fast track in light of this recent event. I realize now my fish are outgrowing their tanks including my 72.
Here's a pic of my 72


That 72 is beautiful!!! Are you tearing it down and adding it all to the 210 when it is ready? Yes, your fish are outgrowing that tank. It looks very nice though. Please do not take offence, but this is exactly the reason why we tell people not to buy fish until they already have the proper room. Hippos and lions are available all of the time. I know you like them, but you realy should have waited. The lion will be just fine. I am just a little concerned about the hippo that should be at least 3-4X the size that he is at his age. I realy do hope everything works out great though!!!!


Thanks for the encouraging comment. I take no offense whatsoever! It was the common beginner impulse buy. I'm just happy he is doing okay and acclimated so well! No I'm not tearing down the 72, I'm making it strickly reef. Might change to MH lighting and do some SPS! I have a PFO Ballast model # AQ2-250MH-120v (got it for free
) with 4 endcaps and I'm thinking of throwing that on it to support the corals. I figure its not HQI so it prolly wouldnt be enough light for the 210. Maybe if I added some VHO's??? Then I could have some descent lighting in my 210... I'm prolly gonna leave the smaller fish, but move all the larger ones.
Here's the dimensions on my 210... its odd
Its 84"x24"x24"
Any lighting suggestions?
Will my hippo be able to grow in this 72, at least for the 3 months he could be in it?


Originally Posted by nolatrav
Thanks for the encouraging comment. I take no offense whatsoever! It was the common beginner impulse buy. I'm just happy he is doing okay and acclimated so well! No I'm not tearing down the 72, I'm making it strickly reef. Might change to MH lighting and do some SPS! I have a PFO Ballast model # AQ2-250MH-120v (got it for free
) with 4 endcaps and I'm thinking of throwing that on it to support the corals. I figure its not HQI so it prolly wouldnt be enough light for the 210. Maybe if I added some VHO's??? Then I could have some descent lighting in my 210... I'm prolly gonna leave the smaller fish, but move all the larger ones.
Here's the dimensions on my 210... its odd
Its 84"x24"x24"
Any lighting suggestions?
Will my hippo be able to grow in this 72, at least for the 3 months he could be in it?
The tang will be fine in the 72 for a few months. He is used to a small tank, he will enjoy this tank until he can move into the even larger tank. Tangs require at least a 6 foot long tank. Your 210 is 7', he will be fine in there.


Originally Posted by sepulatian
The tang will be fine in the 72 for a few months. He is used to a small tank, he will enjoy this tank until he can move into the even larger tank. Tangs require at least a 6 foot long tank. Your 210 is 7', he will be fine in there.
Yeah, I made a mistake, thinking my ballast was HQI again. I only have 2 endcaps, duh...

Anyway thanks for the advice
again on the hippo, I wish I would've moved him into the 72 instead of the 20.
I'll definitely keep ya updated on his color situation, if ya have any lighting ideas lemme know. Might just start a thread in the appropiate forum.


Originally Posted by nolatrav
Yeah, I made a mistake, thinking my ballast was HQI again. I only have 2 endcaps, duh...

Anyway thanks for the advice
again on the hippo, I wish I would've moved him into the 72 instead of the 20.
I'll definitely keep ya updated on his color situation, if ya have any lighting ideas lemme know. Might just start a thread in the appropiate forum.
Yes, please start a thread in the lighting forum. I, personally, am terrible with lighting and am getting help with that myself for my soon-to-be reef. I cannot help you there. Please keep us updated on your fish. He should be fine though. I would realy bulk his immune system. Add vitamines to the food, feed a variety, ect.


Just a quick update. He looks like he his starting to produce an spot on the other side. Been looking at it form and it looks as if its a bump. It's about the size of your average size of your common screwhead. the other side blends soo well or is so big I couldnt tell. I'll try to get a pic tomorrow. It seems to have the same appereance loss as the other side. Kinda in a ring shape. Well see how it develops by tomorrow when I take the pics. I know its hard for me to describ. What sucks is I'm going outta town for the weekend, leaving Thursday night. But the trip is already paid for and everything...


Active Member
I might be jumping the gun without seeing a picture, but from the description it sounds more like a physical injury than anything else. It's possible that when you introduced him, be banged himself or got stuck in a piece of rock or something that he's not used to. I'm not sure isolating him or doing anything else along those lines would be beneficial as it would likely stress him further, and if is injury is not a risk to the other fish, and you have treatment options with him in the DT, there is no reason to do it.
I'd continue using garlic and a vitamin supplement like Zoe or Selcon in his food, and give him as much food as he can eat, as often as possible, while adopting a watch and wait stance on this.


Just an update, he has regained his color and is doing much better it seems. About a week or 2 ago he had started to form what looked like small white pimples, kinda like what you get on your face. Was not Ick though, any ideas? They are gone now and he is fine, just curious as to what those were.


Originally Posted by nolatrav
Just an update, he has regained his color and is doing much better it seems. About a week or 2 ago he had started to form what looked like small white pimples, kinda like what you get on your face. Was not Ick though, any ideas? They are gone now and he is fine, just curious as to what those were.
Tangs can show very odd discoloration when stressed. Are you certain it is not ich? Please update us on where the fish is now, his diet, and the current water parameters. I am very happy to hear that he is doing better!