hi guys/gals, i got a new hippo today and have him in my QT now after the bag floated for about 5 hours (at work, wife will float but wont acc for me). i acclimated him for about a hour and a half, after going in the QT of course he went right to the bottom and played dead for about 5 min. after he got a little less stressed he has been doing some things ive never seen befor. such as, spitting out of the water and swimming his upper half (mouth to eyes) out of the water (swimming up, stays in place). the spitting is just funny but is he gasping for air trying to swim out of the water? my QT water levels are ammonia 0 ppm, nitite 0 ppm, nitrate 5ppm, water temp 80F, and spec grav 1.023
please give me some anwsers quick to i can doctor him up befor bed thanks
please give me some anwsers quick to i can doctor him up befor bed thanks