blue hippo tang


my blue tang just to give my advise lives in a 29 gal wich he has lived in there for almost a year now and he seems really happy and i had no problems with him


Active Member
Originally Posted by BrandonCena
my blue tang just to give my advise lives in a 29 gal wich he has lived in there for almost a year now and he seems really happy and i had no problems with him
This is the type of advice that responsible hobbyists try to refute. In truth, there is no way to guage "happiness" in a fish. Health is easier to measure but sometimes, while there may not be visible symptoms, there is an underlying problem brewing, and I'm sure this is the case with your tang. Prolonged stress from confinement in a tank that is horribly too small, causes a constant release of stress hormones into the bloodstream. Over time this will weaken immune function, and make the fish more susceptible to disease. It can also stunt growth, which is why you'll never see a healthy full grown hepatus tang in a small tank. I would hope that hobbyists who read posts like yours recognize that is not good hubandry, and disregard your "success" as simply a problem waiting to happen.


Matt, please do not put a Blue Hippo in a 29 gallon like others have. Tangs are very, very active fish that grow very quickly. They need a lot of swimming room and do not swim vertically, and therefore need a long, horizontial tank that they can swim back and forth in.
They look so cute when they're tiny, and people think, "Eh, it won't get bigger that quickly and IF it does, I'll just get a new tank/give it away." They never do, and the Tang eventually dies from stress/ick.
No LESS than 75 gallons for a Tang, but preferably higher.


Active Member
A blue tang, or any tang for that matter, really requires at least a 6ft long tank. I have a 125g, 6ft long, tank and my hippo uses every square inch of this tank. I wish I had a longer one!!! Just sit 5 minutes in front of a 6ft tank and watch a tang swim and it will amaze you on how fast and agile it is. Swimming in and out of the rockwork with grace, but speed non the less.
After doing this you would never want to put one in anything smaller. This would be just cruel and unjust punishment. Just my two cents.


Yeah, I was thinking about getting a Blue Tang myself. I was rather rudely told not to get one in an email (from a craiglist ad, never from any of you) because I had a yellow tang. Is this true? Would they fight each other in the tank? My tank is a 120 for reference. In it are 2 false percs, 1 CCS, and a medium sized yellow tang.


Originally Posted by BrandonCena
my blue tang just to give my advise lives in a 29 gal wich he has lived in there for almost a year now and he seems really happy and i had no problems with him
OMG!!!!!! :scared:


Originally Posted by BCspeed34
Yeah, I was thinking about getting a Blue Tang myself. I was rather rudely told not to get one in an email (from a craiglist ad, never from any of you) because I had a yellow tang. Is this true? Would they fight each other in the tank? My tank is a 120 for reference. In it are 2 false percs, 1 CCS, and a medium sized yellow tang.
Hmm... I don't see a problem with it, but then again, I'm not the Tang Police
They might chase each other at first, but they usually settle down and are able to co-habitate.
Perhaps someone will have better knowledge on this situation.
Depending on the size tank and tang, and there are other variables. Read the comments on here, beware that some are fish rights activists and others are proponents of cruel and unusual punishment. Atleast you know enough to ask before doing. Some people throw a sorts of fish or whatever in a small tank and then start asking questions. And everyone on this site starts telling them to take it back to the that ever happens.
I have a hippo tang, he is happy...he told me. He's not in a six foot long tank and he may outgrow my tank someday, but I enjoy every minute we spend together. And when he graduates hopefully we will still see him from time to time.


Active Member
if i recall correctly, a yellow tang won't like being with 1 other yellow, but wouldn't mind an odd number of yellow tangs (say 3 or 5). they don't like other tangs of the same shape (such as purple tangs) but shouldn't have issues with the longer body tangs if there's enough room in the tank. regardless, no tang should be in a 29 gallon. even the "small ones" since the smallest of tangs, the kole, will get to 6", and others can get much bigger.


Originally Posted by nicetry
This is the type of advice that responsible hobbyists try to refute. In truth, there is no way to guage "happiness" in a fish. Health is easier to measure but sometimes, while there may not be visible symptoms, there is an underlying problem brewing, and I'm sure this is the case with your tang. Prolonged stress from confinement in a tank that is horribly too small, causes a constant release of stress hormones into the bloodstream. Over time this will weaken immune function, and make the fish more susceptible to disease. It can also stunt growth, which is why you'll never see a healthy full grown hepatus tang in a small tank. I would hope that hobbyists who read posts like yours recognize that is not good hubandry, and disregard your "success" as simply a problem waiting to happen.

well F U C K you im not a irresponsible hobbyists i know what im doing asshole


Active Member
To the author of this thread (and ignoring the above posts), try and refrain from getting a Blue Hippo for your tank.
Yes, it is POSSIBLE to have one, but think of it this way.
It's also POSSIBLE for you to live in a closet for your entire life, but I guarantee that you wouldn't be happy. : )


Originally Posted by ImUrNamine
To the author of this thread (and ignoring the above posts), try and refrain from getting a Blue Hippo for your tank.
Yes, it is POSSIBLE to have one, but think of it this way.
It's also POSSIBLE for you to live in a closet for your entire life, but I guarantee that you wouldn't be happy. : )

how is it like living in a closet when the fish is little in a 29 its a good size just when the fish gets bigger get a bigger tank (like im doing im getting a 125) or give the fish away or to the lfs


Active Member
BrandonCena -
This is a warning. If you continue to post anything along those lines (the deleted post), you will be banned without further warning.


Active Member
What amazes me is that often it is the "anti tang police" who turn these threads so ugly.
If you can't take discussion, opinions and debate, then don't post at all.
Just because someone DISAGREES does not mean they are wrong (or right). I will have you know that "nicetry" has more experience in his pinky finger with such issues than many others, including myself.
Responsible hobbyists MUST ask themselves WHY a fish that grows so large has not outgrown a small tank. If healthy, it should outgrow it in short order.


Active Member
Originally Posted by andy51632
From what I have read they need at least a 6 foot long tank. So at least a 120

A standard 120 is a 4' tank. This is where the tank size argument fails. People need to address the "footprint" of the tank and not just the volume as these can vary a lot.


Originally Posted by ophiura
What amazes me is that often it is the "anti tang police" who turn these threads so ugly.
If you can't take discussion, opinions and debate, then don't post at all.
Just because someone DISAGREES does not mean they are wrong (or right). I will have you know that "nicetry" has more experience in his pinky finger with such issues than many others, including myself.
Responsible hobbyists MUST ask themselves WHY a fish that grows so large has not outgrown a small tank. If healthy, it should outgrow it in short order.

i dont care what he had he can have whatever i dont care im just trying to tell him im not a irresponsibe habbyists and i nevar said i agree or disagree with him


Active Member
Originally Posted by BrandonCena
A rather blunt reply.

Well aren't you off to a great start here.
While I'll agree that you had the door slammed on you pretty hard for your remarks, how does this sort of a response make you sound like a responsible anything?
That out of the way, while it's your choice whether or not you want to put a Blue Hippo in a 29g tank, and even though minimum tank sizes for fish are subjective, IMO you should be more careful about touting this as advice to others. While often the subject of minimum tank sizes for tangs is debated on this board, it's usually something like a 90 versus a 125 or something. Your tank size is ridiculously below what is considered to be the absolute minimum tank size for this fish. Tank sizes are based on the behavior of the fish, as well as it's physical size, etc (read: real science), not abstract observations such as "he's happy."