blue hippo tang


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Stanalee, I see what you are saying but...
The very fact that a Tang will graze back and forth across the entire length of the tank imo leads credence to the fact that they need the room. If they didn't they would graze on one rock.

Before you flame me, let me say that even though I kept a yellow tang in a 90 for quite a while, I agree with the tang police and moved on. There's a lot of beautiful fish to be enjoyed that are more suited to a smaller environment and also are much less of a bio load on my system!
However, I'm not sure the quote above is a good argument to use. If the tang had a 500 gallon tank, it would graze that whole tank too, IMO. But no one has said (yet) that a minimum tank size is 500 gallons. I believe they would "stretch their legs" as much as possible. It's more about the room that is required for optimum growth and health. Please do not be offended by this, it's just my thoughts.


Active Member
Originally Posted by myreef05
True but also realize that as soon as people advocate 55's as good enough death rates will go through the roof.
Simple method is this; If you haveto ask, you are not ready. I learned that on here from an older person much wiser than I.
I know. I agree. A hippo needs 125 or more. In my magazine it was just telling me that you cant really replicate its territory. They said a 55 could be no different to the fish's happiness not health. Meaning a fish can get sick in a 55 but also may be inhappy in a 125.
When I was getting started I thought I was gonna get a blue hippo tang and a yellow tang right away because they are such beautiful fish, but had to come to terms with the fact that my tank is way way too small and years down the road I can get a really big one for the fancy fish. Until then I just have to dream about my tangs to be.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mombostic
Before you flame me, let me say that even though I kept a yellow tang in a 90 for quite a while, I agree with the tang police and moved on. There's a lot of beautiful fish to be enjoyed that are more suited to a smaller environment and also are much less of a bio load on my system!
However, I'm not sure the quote above is a good argument to use. If the tang had a 500 gallon tank, it would graze that whole tank too, IMO. But no one has said (yet) that a minimum tank size is 500 gallons. I believe they would "stretch their legs" as much as possible. It's more about the room that is required for optimum growth and health. Please do not be offended by this, it's just my thoughts.
No problem at all. I actually think we are saying the same thing. Tangs need room.


Active Member
Originally Posted by NigerBang
People scream that it can be done....Then wonder why their fish have ICK all the time..

Thats a whole seperate issue. People with 180g complain of tangs getting ich all the time. Ich is mostly a matter of the source they came from, the tank they are going to (if infected or not) and quarantine practices. A tang in a 15g wont get ich if ich isn't present in the tank and the tang didn't bring it otherwise every tang quarantined in a 55g and under would break out with ich. A tang stressed to high heaven cant get ich if its not already there.
Really makes no difference how much you stress the importance of room people are going to rationalize keeping what they want. I upgraded to a 6ft tank simply because I rather trust accepted standards and than rely on hope but truth be known in my perhaps foolish cockyness I have no doubt I could keep one satisfactorily in a 75g. I related to an engine (fish and cars are all I'm in to
), you dont build a bottom end of an engine to handle 400hp on a 400hp engine. you build it to handle 600 or 700hp. although you probably could get by on the 400hp bottom end on an engine pushing 400hp without anything happening there is a much greater change something will happen and no room for era/mistakes. If nothing else there's a peace of mind knowing you arent pushing your set up to the limits of survival at best.
How many clown triggers to you see with appropriate tank mates in an optimal size tank. Virtually none because the needs of one will leave you with a large tank and one fish which nobody wants but because its pretty people get them and hope for the best. As long as there are pretty fish there will be people keeping them in inadequate conditions. for the most part we are wasting our wasting our breath (whatever our oppinion is).


Originally Posted by maelv
Here's a question.....he says the tangs are happy and all but didn't see anyone ask....
Brandoncena, do you have any issues battling ick, or any other illness from the two tangs in that confined space?
I have the same two common tangs eveyone else seems to have...the yellow and blue hippo. I have quite a bit of room in my tank, but I have seen my blue hippo scratching itself against a rock or two
And on a brighter note, when you do get that 125 your tang will appreciate it. I started off with a 42 and the wife and kids brought home the yellow tang as a surprise. After 4 months, the time finally came where I put it in its new home (135 gallon) and boy was it happy. So if indeed you are planning on purchasing the 125, you'll be very happy with how your fish enjoy their new home....good luck with that and this thread....getting pounded pretty hard....and by a ton of knoweldgeable folks...

thanks man and yea my blue tang had ick one but i cured it in 3 days by putting copper treatment in there and my yellow i nevar had problems with it but i have no problems the ick proplem was the only one and it lasted for 3 days but no probs now and ill have my 125 at the beginning of next month but thanks for the advice