Blue mushrooms in St. Pete



Originally Posted by dadummy
hey there,
zip loc baggies may possibly leak. bubble wrap or enevelopes in a box should be fine, newspaper, paper towels,peanuts, any packing to support what's inside from bouncing around and being damaged.
You can use an old fish food container, anything with a screw lid that won't leak, preferably plastic.
I guess I am heading towards using the Gladware taped around the edges with styrofoam peanuts inside too keep the invert from rocking too much then packed in a box with paper towels! Does that sound ok?


Originally Posted by stangbabe1993
I have a rose BTA i'd like to trade for anything
How big is the BTA?


Originally Posted by Tiberius
I guess I am heading towards using the Gladware taped around the edges with styrofoam peanuts inside too keep the invert from rocking too much then packed in a box with paper towels! Does that sound ok?
sounds great, mushrooms should be fine


i need some help how are you guys taking suck beautiful pics and number two how are you posting them to the message please fill me in i would great appreciate it


Originally Posted by dadummy
sounds great, mushrooms should be fine
So, I will get the packing stuff then cut the mushrooms and let them stick to some gravel so I will know they are ok. They will be 3 inches wide when I cut them. They get big in my tank. They are smaller if you have metal halide. How many paly's can you send and will they be loose or on a rock? I will put the erythropodium in a separate container.


Originally Posted by phtby
i need some help how are you guys taking suck beautiful pics and number two how are you posting them to the message please fill me in i would great appreciate it
I can use my digi and film cameras to get the pics. Just shoot them on an angle. Scroll down where it says 'Attach files' and find the location on your pc.
Tiberius the bta is about the size of a plum i had him floating in a cup for a couple of days and this morning the cup was tipped over(guess he wanted out of the cup). so he's in the tank somewhere just haven't found him yet. are they easy enough to get off the rocks if they get attatched. cause i have 2 other one that are big 1 is about 4-5 " across and the other is about 5-6 " across both are attached to big rocks. 1 clown goes in one and the other clown goes in the other one so not sure if i should take those out or not but theyy might split to.


Originally Posted by Tiberius
How many shrooms do you want for that? It would be fine for you to stop by and get these.
how big did you say they are again? maybe 7 or 8 shrooms?
I can stop by sometime this week after work


Originally Posted by stangbabe1993
Tiberius the bta is about the size of a plum i had him floating in a cup for a couple of days and this morning the cup was tipped over(guess he wanted out of the cup). so he's in the tank somewhere just haven't found him yet. are they easy enough to get off the rocks if they get attatched. cause i have 2 other one that are big 1 is about 4-5 " across and the other is about 5-6 " across both are attached to big rocks. 1 clown goes in one and the other clown goes in the other one so not sure if i should take those out or not but theyy might split to.
I wouldn't want to take away the clownfishes home! I could wait till they split or if you find the missing one before he gets attached. I am not sure about the damage you can cause by removing it from a rock. With my mushrooms, I can just use a razor and cut them close to the rock. But, I would think with an anemone, you would have to roll it off with your fingers if you do find that missing one and he wasn't stuck for long.


Originally Posted by Dude23455
how big did you say they are again? maybe 7 or 8 shrooms?
I can stop by sometime this week after work
Sure, that will be fine. Just please post your email so I can send you my address. You don't need to worry about bringing your critters yet. Have you cut shrooms off a rock before?
ok I do have blue striped mushrooms( i think. they look like the ones on thhis site. and i have some purplish with neon green tips that look like ricordias but i think they are shrooms I'll post some picks when i get my camera charged up


Originally Posted by Tiberius
Sure, that will be fine. Just please post your email so I can send you my address. You don't need to worry about bringing your critters yet. Have you cut shrooms off a rock before?
Yes i have cut many shrooms off of rocks before. I just cut up some chocolate shrooms about a week ago and glued them to piece of tonga the other night.
email: cullendean at


Originally Posted by Tiberius
So, I will get the packing stuff then cut the mushrooms and let them stick to some gravel so I will know they are ok. They will be 3 inches wide when I cut them. They get big in my tank. They are smaller if you have metal halide. How many paly's can you send and will they be loose or on a rock? I will put the erythropodium in a separate container.
hey there,
here's what I have , fragged them last night, see how they are in a few days
5 frags. There's 3-5 polyps mounted on rubble

greens 15+ broke a piece off mother colony

1 frag of these, 3-5 polyps mounted on rubble


Originally Posted by dadummy
hey there,
here's what I have , fragged them last night, see how they are in a few days
5 frags. There's 3-5 polyps mounted on rubble

greens 15+ broke a piece off mother colony

1 frag of these, 3-5 polyps mounted on rubble

I got all my containers and boxes today. Yaay!!
Would I be able to get a green mushroom insted a frag from the last picture? How many mushrooms did you want for this?


Originally Posted by dadummy
green mushroom it is,
I would like to get a few of your mushrooms
So you want 3 loose mushrooms and that erythropodium. Right?


Originally Posted by Tiberius
So you want 3 loose mushrooms and that erythropodium. Right?
I forgot about the erythropodium, 2 or 3 mushrooms is good, save some for others.
I'll send you pink and green paly's and green mushroom. I can dig up some other frags if it doesn't seem fair.


Originally Posted by dadummy
I forgot about the erythropodium, 2 or 3 mushrooms is good, save some for others.
I'll send you pink and green paly's and green mushroom. I can dig up some other frags if it doesn't seem fair.
Cool beans , can't wait!
It sounds good to me.!