blue ric finally split


One of the shrooms has been in the splitting process for about a month and is finally completely split. its the smaller one on the bottom..The other 2 blu rics have 2 mouths and hopefully will be splitting soon..I am going to try and take pics about every 4-5 days and keep a logue with pictures of these splitting..


Active Member
I just got some really nice blue rics from Tropicorium a little while back, and already I have seen one split, and the rest all have formed second mouths in less than a month. Its rather ridiculous actually.


I got my blues back in august..# of them on rock now there is 5 and looking to be a total of 8 within a a few weeks if all goes well..I am hoping to get about 20 of them, then I am going to start trading and selling. Btw anyone have the orange with grayish blue centers and green mouths? I have a few of them and they dont seem to be splitting or growing any more mouths..Do these take longer then the blues to split..Here is a pic of some of my rics.

mpls man

Active Member
goinballde, hey let me know when you decide to sell some of your blue rics, i'm very interested!! :yes:


yea i will let ya know..I want about 20 for my tank then im going to start getting rid of them.So it will prolly be sometime around august or nov. this year..


I would prefer to trade though..I want some bright purple mushrooms, blue shrooms, blue stripe, bright green,or any kind of tonga or rhodactus..These are the shrooms I have been looking for. I like leathers as well..So if you have any of those when I get extra i would trade.


wow those are all so pretty. I got 5 light blue rics this last week. They were not attached to a rock. Do they take long to attach? I put them on the a rock and put some net over them so they would stay there. I would love to leave them on the sand bed but my pistol covers everything.


oh, thanks I have them in my propagation tank right now. It has low flow just for attaching things. I'll take the net off in a week and see if they have attached yet. Thanks