Blue Ring Octopus


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Originally Posted by Darknes
Some snakes should not be kept at home as well. I remember reading a week ago that someone was killed by their pet boa...and I don't think many people keep the deadly snakes.
actually alot of people keep retic pythons, which are very dangerous because of their size and temperment, yet there is only one known death to a keeper, and he was resucitated (sp?)
there r snakes that have very dangerous potentials but have nevr killed a person, anacondas for instance, there have been reported deaths but nevr any actual confirmed ones. i remember i was looking around on the internet and someone said a guy had been killed by a anaconda, it turned out to be a retic in the wild (cb retics r often less bad tempered)


Originally Posted by AW2x3
When you say you know how crazy it is, are you talking about how you know there's no antivenom to their neurotoxin, you have a 99% of being dead in less than 20 minutes, after a bite and when bitten, you're also injected with an anisthetic, so that you have no idea you've even been bitten?



Active Member
Originally Posted by billyocean
good input. i know it should be kept in the wild...but so should everything else we put in our tanks. ...!
That's simply not true either. When was the last time you worried about a Blenny jumping out of a SW tank and killing you?
some species are well adapted for aquarium life. A deadly octopus is not one of them...


Active Member
Anyone read the posts on the deadly toxins by some popular corals..Long story short, knives kill people but I bet we all keep them in the kitchen


Active Member
Originally Posted by watson3
Anyone read the posts on the deadly toxins by some popular corals..Long story short, knives kill people but I bet we all keep them in the kitchen
When was the last time one of your kitchen knives opened the drawer and climbed out?


Active Member
Originally Posted by watson3
Anyone read the posts on the deadly toxins by some popular corals..Long story short, knives kill people but I bet we all keep them in the kitchen
Yeah, but when is the last time you stuck your hand in the drawer, to get a spoon and the knives attacked you and then you fell over dead, from a sudden, massive heart attack, 20 minutes later?
If you're gonna make a comparison, at least make it reasonable.
There were alot of good posts, in the thread. Back to the moratality...I was exhaggerating a little bit, but it is very high (greater than 80%) and as some one else said...the only known cure is for your chest to be opened and your heart massaged, by hand.
Anyway...the original poster can do as he pleases. It's his house, his money and his risk.


Active Member
Have you not seen the movie Beauty and the Beast..I believe the whole kitchen was alive..And whens the last time this octopus crawled out and killed someone..Is all hypothetical..What ifs...If the guy doesnt post back in a few weeks, ill write apology letters to all..


Active Member
Watson, you're missing the point.
By his own admission, the orignal poster is not very experienced in SW keeping. Take that, as well as his buying this dangerous creature without knowing it's habitat requirements, and you have a bad situation.


it really can crawl out of the tank and travel around the house for a couple of hours with out hurting them.
I heard a guy had a common octo and it crawled out of its tank and into another reef tank eat what it wanted then went back into his tank, and these tanks are on two seperate walls 15' away from each other.
very smart animals
I agree somebody is looking for attention


Originally Posted by greenwolf52
i'm lovin this thread. been checkin it out all day.
i have too. last time i saw a thread like this it was a troll. until i see a pic i believe its a troll.


if it was just a risk to yourself fine, but how often have you had someone in your house when your in another room. . . .you better have a sign that says "this thing will kill you" written very big. do you think you could live with someone else's death on your concience? anyone that enters your house without you there baby-sitting them is in danger of sticking there hand in there and trying to make it ink or something stupid and getting bit.


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Originally Posted by cwgibson
i have too. last time i saw a thread like this it was a troll. until i see a pic i believe its a troll.
a troll?


Originally Posted by cwgibson
i have too. last time i saw a thread like this it was a troll. until i see a pic i believe its a troll.

i second that. a troll is a thread start to stir up controversy. ie a blue tang in a 10 gallon or a blue ring octopus. no pictures so im not taking this seriously


Active Member
i just want to say a post that talked about steve irwin dieing not only was he stabbed in the heart but it was by a much bigger sting ray then what wed have in our home aquariums!


Active Member
might have missed it but have you ever kept a normal octo before you take a shot at something this dangerous


Active Member
agreeed .... a TROLL.... thats why i try not ot chime in... you either have a picture or you can go to another forum and mess with them! you did your job though. got alot of piontless attention that you apparently needed