Blue Ring


Active Member
In my opinion .. Mr. 125 .. that's fine that you have species that you are aware of the dangers of and that you've done the proper research on but billyocean .. I think that you're just ridiculous .. I have no idea why you bought that octopus .. I've been sitting here thinking .. and I can't think of a reason .. why don't you give me a reason for buying such a species with your level of experience with octopi .. my mind is truly boggled .. it's so ridiculous .. I hope that you take that octopus back before you get bitten messing around in the tank .. by the way .. that cleaner shrimp shouldn't last too long .. either that or before it sneaks out of the tank at night and comes and bites you in your sleep .. don't forget to put the bricks on your lid before you go to bed so that the monster doesn't get out


Active Member
Thats cool you got a blue ring...I was thinking about one myself because they are different.
I have had 3 octos in my time and I have never had any of them try and attack me when I had my hand in the tank to do something. Most of the time they would run or would play E.T. and stretch a tentacle out and touch tip of my finger then back off.
I dont see how this octo is really any different then owning a Lion. of course the venom is lethal but you still gotta take the same care with it as you would with a lion.
Dont be stupid and you will be fine. What are the life span on these ones. I had my bimac's just shy under a year before they died. Are these like the dwarfs that only have a lifespan of 6-8months.
Seal up the tank so it cant get out. Do your water changes with the syphon, and sit back and enjoy your blue ring. its not like its gonna come flying out of the tank to kill you.


Yes, they have a short life of about 6 months. And the problem isnt that he WILL get bit so he has to be careful. Hes probably more likely to win tomorrows lottery than get bit by his octopus, the problem is, if for some 1 in a million chance that octopus DOES bite him, hes done, game over, nice knowin ya. Is that really worth it? Not so with a lionfish, NOONE has EVER recorded a death from a lionfish.


Originally Posted by AW2x3
You will also read in that article that the author even admitted to suffering neurological disfuctions after just PUTTING HIS HAND IN THE WATER, where the Blue Ring had been. This is not the first time in print, nor the first biologist, to make this statement.

WOW...I can understand the venom being in the water and only dispersing to a point. But i would never thought about it. I'm the kind of consumer. If the LFS talks to me and really gets me interested I'll probably buy it. If i have the right setup. I'm really happy to find this thread. I probably could have been talked into one of this in my new tank. I knew they were considered the worlds most deadly venom. So i wouldn't have but i could see a lfs selling me one, with false info. I could never keep one ever. If it ever got out and hurt my wife. I would just die. Octopus are so smart. They can go from tank to tank. Amazing creatures.
You can't compare these to lions. A creature that can climb out of your tank and to accidentally to step on it. Way to smart. I'm glad i seen this thread thou. Wow i just never would have thought of the water being dangerous where they are living. Danger danger. Like the crock hunter would say. I use to be to easy of a sale and this would have been a accident waiting to happen. These days i try to be very educated about what i buy.


Active Member
to the original poster..if you want some useful info. Go read over at
its a Ceph forum. There are going to be alot of people who have never had any experience here that are just gonna start posting what they think.
There have been a few over there had blue rings and zero problems. Better to go over there and talk with others with real life situation of owning one. not just people claiming he said she said.
Some of the things I read are pretty silly. Do some people actually believe that it will climb out in the middle of the night to bite you. Its fairly easy to seal a tank and not worry about it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by fallnhorse
WOW...I can understand the venom being in the water and only dispersing to a point. But i would never thought about it. I'm the kind of consumer. If the LFS talks to me and really gets me interested I'll probably buy it. If i have the right setup. I'm really happy to find this thread. I probably could have been talked into one of this in my new tank. I knew they were considered the worlds most deadly venom. So i wouldn't have but i could see a lfs selling me one, with false info. I could never keep one ever. If it ever got out and hurt my wife. I would just die. Octopus are so smart. They can go from tank to tank. Amazing creatures.
You can't compare these to lions. A creature that can climb out of your tank and to accidentally to step on it. Way to smart. I'm glad i seen this thread thou. Wow i just never would have thought of the water being dangerous where they are living. Danger danger. Like the crock hunter would say. I use to be to easy of a sale and this would have been a accident waiting to happen. These days i try to be very educated about what i buy.
The Venom has been banned by the US coat guard and has been identified as the most poisenous venom existing , it does not have to enter your system by a bite, it has the potentcy to enter by soaking through your skin. IMO it isnt something to mess with but , if you feel it is something you want to keep more power to you , but you have been forewarned by numorous sources of the consequences


Couldn't give me enough money to keep one in my house. I'm really glad i seen this thread. I could see how people would like them. They are beautiful. But way to deadly for me. Better for me to see one in a public aquarium.


Active Member
I think it is rather odd...Someone claiming to have one and never show a pic of anything of the nature...Sounds kinda like a troll


Active Member
well if the OP does want to get one...If I where you. I would get a nice thick rubber glove and one of those stainless steel chainmesh gloves used by divers and chefs so they dont cut..that will cut down the chance of it biting your finger by alot...its def not 100% but atleast its some protection.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Oceanists
The Venom has been banned by the US coat guard and has been identified as the most poisenous venom existing , it does not have to enter your system by a bite, it has the potentcy to enter by soaking through your skin. IMO it isnt something to mess with but , if you feel it is something you want to keep more power to you , but you have been forewarned by numorous sources of the consequences
I am confused on how they banned this...Do they see a blue ring and tell it to leave or something...


Active Member

Originally Posted by 05xrunner
.......I dont see how this octo is really any different then owning a Lion. of course the venom is lethal but you still gotta take the same care with it as you would with a lion....
That, imho, is why people shouldn't keep species like this. If you don't see the difference between the two there are some very basic facts you're unaware of.
Blue Rings have killed before. If you are bit you will die.
Lionfish do not belong to a species known for climbing out of the aquarium
Every day in this country we here stories of "pets" attacking people. Dogs, exotic cats, snakes, etc. Too often people just get a pet without thinking of the consequences. The Blue Ring is no excepton. From the first point on we've seen bad info posted here.
So, once again, in the hopes of educating anyone stumbling across this thread; a Blue Ring Octopus can kill you. Don't get one. There are other more suitable pets

the gift

Mr.125 I love how you are keeping a blue ring. Keep up the good work...And I think he understood they were deadly when he got it so everyone doesn't have to tell him...again and again and again and again and again...........


Sorry but I disagree with you. Blue ring octo's have two glands that produce poison. Poison from one glad is used to kill main prey, crabs and such, that toxin is known to be harmless to humans. The other glad produces the toxin that can kill humans. The one is used as prey, the other is used as defense mech. Either way...
very dangerous to keep. I wouldnt keep one if your a person that doesnt know much about keeping octo's....and specially one that is highly deadly! Whats the point? But....there are those who push the limits, cant argue that either. Sometimes major breakthroughs are found through accidents, but unfortunately there are more accidents then breakthroughs.
Post some pics please! Let us know how it goes. I dont think this thread should be closed. We will learn something sooner or later.
Originally Posted by AW2x3
Sorry to disagree once again, but this is an untrue statement. Tetrodotoxin is the one and only form of toxin this particular species carries. There is no difference in defenese or offense, when it comes to the use of this particular toxin.
You will also read in that article that the author even admitted to suffering neurological disfuctions after just PUTTING HIS HAND IN THE WATER, where the Blue Ring had been. This is not the first time in print, nor the first biologist, to make this statement.


By the way I got bitten five times...(by my clowns), I'm still alive! I think this thread is a fake, fluff! etc etc


Active Member
Originally Posted by superH
the original poster hasn't posted in this thread for a while...another victim of the blue ring?
i think so, check the headlines w/in the past couple weeks


Active Member
Originally Posted by lbaskball
Sorry but I disagree with you. Blue ring octo's have two glands that produce poison. Poison from one glad is used to kill main prey, crabs and such, that toxin is known to be harmless to humans. The other glad produces the toxin that can kill humans. The one is used as prey, the other is used as defense mech. Either way...
You disagree but then give no proof. Where did you find this information? What are the names of the toxins? Anyone can disagree...hell, I can disagree with myself, just for the heck of it...but without further statements to back it up, it's pointless.

murray bmf

IMO, I think people feel strongly about this because, unlike a lion fish, there is no room for error. I have kept octs before and they are really neat, but mistakes can (and will) happen. There are always people who keep this animal, and I've been a member of this forum for several years and I do notice that the people who argue keeping a blue ring are never the same people, it's always someone who gets one and has to defend his point about having one, them we don't hear about it again until the next person gets one. I might be totally wrong, just how it seems. I'm all for keeping exotic animals, and if that's what you want to do that's great. And if done right, there should be no problems. Post pics because I'm really interested in seeing them. Getting your first cephalopod can be a huge challenge. I did A LOT of research before I bought my first oct. Starting off with a blue ring is like playing your first baseball game in the majors. IMO, a blue ring is the "big leagues" I wish I had the "balls" to keep one, because I think they are facinating(sp) creatures. That having been said, we found out that even Steve Irwin was mortal! Temp fate enough and fate wins, but thats just me....


Active Member

Originally Posted by 1journeyman
That, imho, is why people shouldn't keep species like this. If you don't see the difference between the two there are some very basic facts you're unaware of.
Blue Rings have killed before. If you are bit you will die.
Lionfish do not belong to a species known for climbing out of the aquarium
Every day in this country we here stories of "pets" attacking people. Dogs, exotic cats, snakes, etc. Too often people just get a pet without thinking of the consequences. The Blue Ring is no excepton. From the first point on we've seen bad info posted here.
So, once again, in the hopes of educating anyone stumbling across this thread; a Blue Ring Octopus can kill you. Don't get one. There are other more suitable pets
Guess you missed my point totally...I said you have to be very careful with this as its lethal. Even though a lion isnt you still gotta not touch it cause it can inflict pain.
Last time I checked..I have never heard of the killer octopus that climbed out of its tank in the middle of the night..crawled over to the owner bit him and killed them.
The chance of ANYTHING ever happening to you outside of the tank is pretty much ZERO. Ill keep my eye out for when they air the tv show of...When Octo's attack you in your sleep.
none of mine every tried to attack me outside the tank.
I have never had a blue ring I am just saying you have to be very careful around it if you own one.


Active Member
its not that theyll attack u in ur sleep (tho i do admit that would be an interesting movie) its that octos r smart and have escaped from their enclosures, a blue ring that escapes is dangerous for a groggy person who accidentally steps on iy and gets bitten while the octo is on a stroll