Blue Ring



Originally Posted by Sharkboy13
its not that theyll attack u in ur sleep (tho i do admit that would be an interesting movie) its that octos r smart and have escaped from their enclosures, a blue ring that escapes is dangerous for a groggy person who accidentally steps on iy and gets bitten while the octo is on a stroll
octo on a stroll.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jon321
Yes, they have a short life of about 6 months. And the problem isnt that he WILL get bit so he has to be careful. Hes probably more likely to win tomorrows lottery than get bit by his octopus, the problem is, if for some 1 in a million chance that octopus DOES bite him, hes done, game over, nice knowin ya. Is that really worth it? Not so with a lionfish, NOONE has EVER recorded a death from a lionfish.
so what your saying is i shouldnt even get into my car to drive to work because i may die


Active Member
its possible, the odds r unlikely. but the chance of a nuke hitting ur house is more likely to happen than me getting an A in spanish


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefreak29
so what your saying is i shouldnt even get into my car to drive to work because i may die

There is a trade off. If, for your livelihood you MUST keep a blue ring octopus, maybe this would be a different story.
Do you race cars for entertainment? Jump out of planes or climb Mt Everest? Do you willingly put your life at excessive risk for entertainment? If you do, then by all means, get a blue ring octopus, because that is comparable.
I drive to work because, like many people, I don't want to live in the crime infested area I work in. I take all precautions I can with driving, in terms of safety equipment, journey management, etc. If I could, I would absolutely telecommute so that I would remove the risk almost entirely. But in the end, my work is my livelihood, and I must take some risk to support myself.
However, excessive risk for entertainment? Some people get a real thrill from it...and MANY of those people die much younger than the average person. I hope they have a smile on their face, because their families probably don't.
Octo's are really interesting, having worked with a much larger species. I have no idea why you would want to keep a blue ring, when there are other safer and equally enjoyable options, unless you enjoy the "thrill" that it might kill you (and tell your friends that). Frankly, I am wary of this personality type in general.
Again, no one is saying this thing will climb out of the tank and attack you. No one is saying that you will be bitten. But if you are willing to bet your LIFE on the fact that the octopus will never interpret your hand as a threat, then so be it. No one will agree on this, but I love how everyone who disagrees with keeping them is dismissed as having no knowledge of these animals.

These types of threads amount to this: if you are willing to take the risk, just say that. But don't deny that there is a risk, because people who may not be as experienced with such animals do read these, and they should be aware that it is not a beginner animal to keep.


Active Member
right but saying the chances are very small it seems i have a better chance getting killed in a car crash, now i would pesonally never get one because i have a child and i dont have any interest in owning one but if your very carefull and feel the need to own one , u could do it and be safe


Active Member
o u could nevr get a blue ring and be "safe", ur always skimming danger w/ a blue ring, and also i think this guy is dead, he hasnt responded in weeks


Active Member
the guy probably isnt posting cause 1 he doesnt actually have one..Or doesnt feel he needs to prove anything to anyone and just left.


Active Member
hey guys u think u could help me gather info ( NOT care info[dont want one, ill stick to cobras :)]) like the phylum and other stuff like that, im doin a science project, and u wouldnt want my feeling would u?


Kingdom - Animalia
Phylum - Mollusca
Class - Cephalopoda
Order - Octopoda
Family - Octopodidae
Genus and species will depend on the exact species of octopus you want to do research on. There are 3 species of blue rings. A google or wikipidia search should give you anything you need.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jon321
NOONE has EVER recorded a death from a lionfish.
I'm not trying to start anything, but I'm allergic to bee stings and my doctor said that if I was stung by a lion fish I could possibly have a fatal reaction. I'm just spitballin on this one but I'm just throwing out my opinion. There was a small aquarium in maine that I was at I don't remember the name and they had a Blue Ring Octo. Cute little guy but even though I knew he couldn't get me but I still stood 5 feet away from the tank.


Active Member
I'm not really sure, however, your allergy to bee stings makes you necessarily more allergic to things like lionfish (the blue ring is not the is not an allergy that kills you, just the overall toxicity of the venom).
I am, for example, severely allergic to wasps and hornets (and somewhat to their relatives, fire ants). I must take shots for this, and have a reaction, even to the shots.
I am however not at all allergic to bees.

murray bmf

Originally Posted by Yimmy
I'm not trying to start anything, but I'm allergic to bee stings and my doctor said that if I was stung by a lion fish I could possibly have a fatal reaction. I'm just spitballin on this one but I'm just throwing out my opinion. There was a small aquarium in maine that I was at I don't remember the name and they had a Blue Ring Octo. Cute little guy but even though I knew he couldn't get me but I still stood 5 feet away from the tank.

Good call, I tend to stay away from things that could kill me, I'd rather be over cautious than dead, life is to precious, but that' just me......


The question is more like: how would you feel if someone you loved very much were to die (by accidently stepping on, getting bit by) a creature that you knew could kill and that your responsible for. Is it worth having for their sake? A part of the hobby is knowing what to leave in the sea...


Active Member
Don't get me wrong I was watching the Steve Irwin Oceans Deadliest and they showed the blue ring, it was cool, but I wouldn't take the risk of dieing because of a pet, but some people are very passionate about this hobby, and as long as they know the proposed risks than its fine. If they have no clue what there doing and a 5 year old stick there hand in the tank thats a different story...


For all the haters...and non-believers~! Still going strong~! He now owns my ten gallon...and all of YOU that find it easier to bash than to appreciate~!

Originally Posted by 05xrunner
the guy probably isnt posting cause 1 he doesnt actually have one..Or doesnt feel he needs to prove anything to anyone and just left.