Blue Ring


Active Member
There was another poster here who was asking about a blue ring. I havent seen them post since shortly after they got it so I can only assume it killed them.


If someone who had no knowledge of handguns posted that they were going out to buy a loaded handgun so that they could practice circus tricks with it, would you not as a responsible human feel some need to do or say something. If the person then killed themselves or someone else while practicing said circus stunt would you not feel some form of guilt if you didn't......... I think this post went beyond a trigger in a too small tank.
Do we know if this person is a minor? If so, hopefully, the lfs wouldn't sell to him but you never know.
Not to insult the OP in any way but two months in the hobby is still terribly new not only a time for learning but also very young for the tank itself. Especially for an exotic species such as an octo. People I have known have done months, even years of research and preparation galore to house an octo and then only had mixed results. We, as a group, discourage people from using damsels to cycle as it's cruel but won't speak out to someone who will very well kill such an interesting animal because of an impulse purchase.
Yes, there are many lines of thought out there. That's why you learn as much as you can from many sources and try to be somewhere in the middle. Can the poster get lucky? Sure! When I first got into the hobby years ago, I pushed and set up my tank, fish and all, in days, and in the end I had a catastrophic collapse. There is no rushing in this hobby and I can't help but feel bad for yet another octo (not at all unlike all the shark eggs) that will most likely die for lack of planning and resources.


Make sure you keep your nitrates down since you have fish in with your octo that are also producing a lot of waste. Octos only can handle trace amounts of nitrates from what I hear so keep up on those water changes.


Active Member
The tank needs to be, essentially, hermetically sealed, or it will get out. Wherever anything (filtration, power cords, etc.) enters/exits the tank needs to be sealed w/ silicone. Kinda makes gas exchange an issue. They're incredibly strong and will be able to lift the tank lid unless it's secured.
Should absolutely
be kept by itself and it's definitely not a beginner animal.
I wish you success. For the octopus' sake.
You do
know what to feed it - right?


Active Member
Originally Posted by eeltastic
So i anticipate everybody calling me dumb but i did buy an octopus last night....but no worries it was not a blue ring. it was what i believe is a small atlantic brown. He has acclimated fine, changes color at will and is fairly small. He is in with my green wolf and SFE, I will post some pictures soon and let you know how he/she is doing.
Wuss... you tell us you're going to get a pitbull and you show up with a pomeranian...

salt life

Active Member
Originally Posted by eeltastic
also SL, you act as though 'a little research' would answer every question. And it has answered a lot. But i also want personal experience answers because 'the book' isn't always right. And as you can tell by this thread alone. Everyone gives very different advice, so don't get your panties in a bundle when i don't take your advice the law. I think you give some good advice. But so do others, and not everyone agrees on here, which is why i wait for multiple responses. And obviously a new hobbyist is going to ask more basic questions, that's the nature of beginning a hobby this complicated. You shouldn't act so offended that someone would ask questions in a forum....we all ask questions...even you..."Is this a stonefish?" well with the proper research i'm sure you can figure it out. But nobody jumped all over your case for asking. Let the forums serve as such, and benefit everybody here.
with a little bit of research and common sense you will be able to answer most questions on your own. people don't have personal experiences with a blue ring because people have the common sense to not keep something that can kill you. I honestly don't care if you take my advice or not, if you get bit by it then tough ---- for you, not gonna be a sad day for me. You are just trying to be a smartass and make slick comments, I am not offended by people asking questions so I don't know where you pulled that one from, probably out of your ass along with all your other pathetic comments. And I didn't say is this a stonefish, if you read the title of the thread is says help with stonefish, I know alot about scorpionfish as I have kept different types of lions. This turned into an arguement when you made your first comment after I told you it was a bad idea. But honestly man, do what you want, you "assume" your doing the correct thing so do it. It's your money your wasting not mine.

crypt keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by Salt Life
people don't have personal experiences with a blue ring because people have the common sense to not keep something that can kill you. I.

not true. I have had many many animals that could kill me. But continue. I heart the passion.

salt life

Active Member
Originally Posted by crypt keeper
not true. I have had many many animals that could kill me. But continue. I heart the passion.
Then show me where people have talked about their personal experiences with BLUE RINGS ck, I really don't care what this guy does or what he wants to put in his tank, he already bought a different type of octopus so if you all want to keep helping him then go for it, I'm not gonna keep arguing with other people because of some arrogant a-hole.


Active Member
Originally Posted by eeltastic
So i anticipate everybody calling me dumb but i did buy an octopus last night....but no worries it was not a blue ring. it was what i believe is a small atlantic brown. He has acclimated fine, changes color at will and is fairly small. He is in with my green wolf and SFE, I will post some pictures soon and let you know how he/she is doing.
yup your right maybe not the smartest thing to do. its either a vulgarius which you would need a 150 gallon tank for at least and you luckily got a small one. Or a merc. you might have some success with it for a while but it wont eat or come out with other things in the tank and it will get stressed and die. 2 months is not really considered experienced enough to have an octopus in my opinion. Ive been reasearching for about a year before I got mine. make sure you seal your input/outouts if you do decide too keep it for some reason but I would get my money back. Just knowing that your tank needs to be sealed is not enough reasearch, if you really would of tried looking for info than the first thing you would of notice is NO TANKMATES. But i guess its too late now so put a picture up so I can identify it for you and try to give you some advice on the species if your still looking for it.

salt life

Active Member
Originally Posted by eeltastic
also SL, you act as though 'a little research' would answer every question. And it has answered a lot. But i also want personal experience answers because 'the book' isn't always right. And as you can tell by this thread alone. Everyone gives very different advice, so don't get your panties in a bundle when i don't take your advice the law. I think you give some good advice. But so do others, and not everyone agrees on here, which is why i wait for multiple responses. And obviously a new hobbyist is going to ask more basic questions, that's the nature of beginning a hobby this complicated. You shouldn't act so offended that someone would ask questions in a forum....we all ask questions...even you..."Is this a stonefish?" well with the proper research i'm sure you can figure it out. But nobody jumped all over your case for asking. Let the forums serve as such, and benefit everybody here.
I'm not gonna argue back at this, all I am gonna say is your wrong on many levels but keep "assuming your correct".


Active Member
Mods, let me perform some amateur duties here... there is no more useful discourse to be added to this thread.

Crimzy has spoken...


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
Mods, let me perform some amateur duties here... there is no more useful discourse to be added to this thread.

Crimzy has spoken...
Nice work the mods will like this

I love LeVar Burton, this gif cracks me up.


Originally Posted by small triggers
I am trying to figure out why you would want a blue ring in the first place. And whom you think you can order one from? I have never seen one for sale anywhere,,, and have not even seen one in local aquariums because of the high risk.
Actually.. and unfortunately. they are pretty easy to order.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
there is no more useful discourse to be added to this thread.
I am terribly afraid, both as a mod myself on other sites and especially for the octo's sake, that you are correct...