Blue Ring


Just please remember, a blue ring can kill you and whatever you do remember that you have a life in your hands. Keep to eels and damsels. You can keep them alive.


New Member
he's doing good. thanks for asking. he's ultra nocturnal so i have to get up really early/stay up late to see him when he's active. extremely smart, has a favorite cave. he found it even after i rearranged all of the rocks. I plan on moving him to a 55 i have cycling right now. but in the mean time he's doing fine. doesn't seem to be stressing out the eels which still eat like pigs. he's eating okay. didn't eat for the first couple of days but that's normal i think with most fish in a new aquarium.

salt life

Active Member
Originally Posted by eeltastic
he's doing good. thanks for asking. he's ultra nocturnal so i have to get up really early/stay up late to see him when he's active. extremely smart, has a favorite cave. he found it even after i rearranged all of the rocks. I plan on moving him to a 55 i have cycling right now. but in the mean time he's doing fine. doesn't seem to be stressing out the eels which still eat like pigs. he's eating okay. didn't eat for the first couple of days but that's normal i think with most fish in a new aquarium.
glad to hear it is doing well, what are your plans with the new 55g? is it just for the octopus? it would look really cool as a planted tank with your octopus in there just as a suggestion...


I am glad that this thread was able to be turned around. Eeltastic, please understand that folks on here are just trying to help you. Sometimes certain people may go about it the wrong way, but they may not intend to. I do encourage you to do more research on animals that you buy. As mentioned, an octopus is not the easiest creature to care for and not one for beginners. Keep a close eye on your water readings. Best of luck with him! Keep us posted. We would all love to see some pictures when you get a chance.


please dont take this the wrong way but my eels favorite food is octo. i bet they would go nuts if i put a live one in for them.


Active Member
The one thing that I don't get is why some people (earlier in the thread) say such nasty things and then act shocked that the person asking the question gets angry. If a noob asks a question that is a bad idea, what would it hurt to say, "That is a very bad idea for the following reasons...". What gives anybody the right to demean and demonize another? One time Sep gave me a VERY strong warning about an idea I posed. I was grateful that I recieved a frank and tough answer, but I was not attacked and was not treated like an unruly 3rd grader. I appreciate that this has become civil. Why couldn't it have started this way?

salt life

Active Member
Originally Posted by mantisman51
The one thing that I don't get is why some people (earlier in the thread) say such nasty things and then act shocked that the person asking the question gets angry. If a noob asks a question that is a bad idea, what would it hurt to say, "That is a very bad idea for the following reasons...". What gives anybody the right to demean and demonize another? One time Sep gave me a VERY strong warning about an idea I posed. I was grateful that I recieved a frank and tough answer, but I was not attacked and was not treated like an unruly 3rd grader. I appreciate that this has become civil. Why couldn't it have started this way?
you didn't see all the posts so im sure you don't know why it went downhill.

salt life

Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
Right, but I did. Let's just drop what happened at the beginning of this thread and move on.
that's what I was tryin to do

eeltastic, if you wouldn't mind I'd like to see your octo and maybe some pics of your eels, a full tank shot would be cool too... I have 2 moray tanks so I love to see other hobbyists who care for them.