Blue Tang Health Possible HLLE


Looking for some help here from Beth or anyone with any thoughts, got this large blue tang from and was wondering if it has the beggining stages of HLLE...Lots of pics, in one of the pics i circled what is concerning me, also on his fins look a little rough. i can get clearer pics if more are needed....

Tank is a lightly stocked 125 gallon long
0 ammonia
0 trites
0 trates (undetectable)
0 phos
1.025 salinty
if im missing anything here let me know
hmmm....give me a sec to figure out how to post pics with the new board


Anyway you can get a clearer side shot....I can't see anything in those pics....
How long have you had it?
Also, what are you doing about the cyano on your sand :(


Member the i thought the cyano looked 100% better, been running dual GFO and getting better on the water changes along with an improved skimmer, any other suggestions
this pictuers shows what im concerned about on the bridge of his nose, had him for three days now, yes i skipped the quarantine and will deal with what ever happens
still cant really see what i'm seeing in the pics, it looks like hlle on his nose and on his one side he has this white jagged edge spot that resembles whats are his nose....i'll keep trying to get a better pic hees really timid at this point


well, got some good pics of the side that i'm wondering about, but it doesnt show up at all in the pics...wierd


Staff member
There is a lot of blue-ness to your pics. Do you have actinics mostly in your tank?