Love that avatar pic, Cranberry-very cool!
Well, i feed quite a few things that all my corals and fish can thrive on, and I gotta believe the foods I spot feed, besides water quality, are to thank for the "actually still living" gorgonian.. Baby brine twice a day every day, either Kent's Zooplex or Marine Snow following the baby brine (I alternate KZ and MS in the am/pm feedings), DT's phyto randomly every few days or so, and I also replenish the water with Seachem Fuel every single day. The water tests show since it's a super stocked tank that the nutrients are being used on a rediculous level. Fuel has really helped my tank bloom! As everyone knows, feeding this much does affect the water quality very much.. But I always know if I might be dosing too many nutrients/food if there is an abnormal amount of algae growing on my glass.
As far as chemicals go, I have to dose Seachem's 8.4 almost every day to keep the pH right. That stuff is magic. Seachem's calcification is good too- I keep my calcium level perfect (esp for the gorg) dosing this only once a week. When my water was tested a couple weeks ago, all was perfect, no nitrates or anything, except the carbonate hardness (KH). To fix this I dose Reef Builder KH buffer twice a week. I always follow the directions on the dosage amount exactly as stated for a twenty gallon.
I've found that the flow is 100% important for this gorgonian. As you can see there are 2 coralia nanos that are on twenty second intervals with a wavemaker. It must have high flow but not exactly direct, but very close! The powerhead kinda behind it hits it so that the flow loops back around to the left, therefor getting the other side of the gorg. It's been perfect for it, so far! When I had the powerhead directly behind and on it, the polyps were too pissed to come out and feed. When i had it one more inch to the right, it didn't give it enough and started thinning almost overnight.